Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Maybe he took the ultimate gamble.

I like to level with the spirits. Whether it be with god. Or with Jeanne. Or with my dad. And when I address my dad's spirit, I don't criticize or castigate him for his suicide. He made a choice. His choice. Did he do the wrong thing? Or the right thing? I don't know. That's for him to decide. Maybe he's residing in a spirit world, and maybe he's happy there. Then it was a good choice. Maybe the right choice. Maybe in this earthly life he was miserable and unhappy, and he wanted a change. Maybe he wanted nothingness. Obliteration. No consciousness. Or maybe he believed in a spirit world, and that's where he wanted to go. To get closer to god. So many possibilities. Maybe dad thought suicide was his route to happiness. He was a gambler. Willing to take chances. Well, maybe he was betting on the existence of a spiritual realm. Maybe he took the ultimate gamble. Maybe he really believed he would finally become the big winner. Maybe at this very moment he's in Nirvana. In paradise. And happy to be there. Joyful. And maybe he's looking down on some of us, wondering why we create little hells. Hating each other. Rather than loving each other. Maybe dad is looking down at all the religious strife and the discord and the senseless wars. And he's feeling blessed. For arriving in the spirit world ahead of his time. If that's the case, maybe dad is smarter than the rest of us. And happier. --Jim Broede

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