Friday, August 17, 2007

Which I have every right to do.

I'm not sure where the broede's broodings blog is going. I'll just let it evolve. Over time. Just like me. I'm evolving all the time. That's the way I like to take life. One day at a time. Whatever moves me. Each day. I don't have a set plan. I don't tell myself that I have to be here or there tomorrow or next week. Sometimes, we have a tendency to get too far ahead of ourselves, don't we? I deal with my blog on a day to day basis. Just the way I deal with my life. I don't form judgments about what I'm going to be tomorrow. I may say on Thursday that I'm through with the Cubs. But on Friday I may be back on the bandwagon again. I may treat one of you one way today, and quite another way tomorrow. And by the way, it's some of you who dislike, or even hate me. You become obsessed. I don't hate. And I'm not obsessed. Really, with anything. I'm involved. Living each day. That ain't obsession. And that ain't hate. It's called being in love with life. Some days, I don't feel like being browbeat by anyone. So, I put people in their place. At some point, I don't allow people to push me around. I'm the one that takes over. I intimidate. But I don't hate. I take charge. Of my life. Which I have every right to do. --Jim Broede


Patricia said...

"So, I put people in their place. At some point, I don't allow people to push me around. I'm the one that takes over. I intimidate."

Jim, can you not see that this statement you have made shows just how you alienate people - because THIS IS WHAT YOU DO - INTIMIDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, you have chosen to allow "anonymous" comments, so you really must expect what you get.

For me, I will always tell you who I am, what I think, and I really don't hate anyone, but I often don't like you.

This is your "blog" Jim, so do as you please - You're the Man, take charge and continue to push people away from you.

Soon NO-ONE will read your blog, NO-ONE will comment as you think you know us all so well that you have the answers to EVERYTHING.

You don't know any of us at all really - and it is YOU that starts the browbeating you know, the ones you aim your posts at are just defending themselves.

Why is it that you prefer to be disliked than liked by the majority??

Broede's Broodings said...

The way I see it, Patricia, is that eventually the negative thinkers that hide their identities will go away. And the blog will attract more polite and courteous and relatively thoughtful people like you. Yes, people who make sense and seem a bit refined. Truth be told, Patricia, there are some people I don't mind alienating to some degree. Not you among them though. I can garner respect for you. Because you seem to truly want a dialogue. You tell me what's wrong with me, but you tell me in a relatively nice way. You are civil. It's the uncivil people that I alienate. The truly mean-spirited people. And so many of 'em are or have been Alzheimer care-givers. And it's just my opinion that -- well, they're ill-suited for care-giving. And I say it. I think their patients need to be protected from them. Because they are in worse shape than their patients. Just my opinion. And yes, I understand that can and does alienate some. They don't like to hear that. If someone calls me unsuited for the care-giving role, I take it in stride. I don't get angry. Because I know better. I've learned how to be a darn good care-giver, and I'm proud of it. Maybe that makes me sound condescending. Well, so be it. --Jim

Patricia said...

As I said Jim, you don't know us at all do you - we are or were "darn good caregivers" which is why we react when you intimate that we were not. How can you know, were you there with us - I think not and yes, that does make you sound condescending.

So you see, we all know better too about our lives. You know nothing about us really as we only know about you what you have told us.

Broede's Broodings said...


I think there are some pretty darn good care-givers out there. And some not very good ones, too. It's obvious from their posts. Some of them appear to be on the verge of nervous and physical breakdowns. Some even talk of suicide. That ain't good. Causes me to question whether they should continue on as overworked and over-stressed care-givers. Because they might do harm to themselevs and their patients. I think I raise legitimate concerns. I'm not singling out anyone in particular. By name. But read the message boards. Some are pretty obvious. Some have left the message boards. And I only hope they got help. Got into treatment. Before they hurt themselves or others. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

I like talking to you, Patricia. I wouldn't mind if you stuck around. At least you aren't afraid to use your name. That's a good sign. Shows me you have the courage of your convictions. And I think I can have a civil and respectful discussion with you. You seem to have an accommodating attitude. And a sense of fairness. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Patricia asks, Why is it that you prefer to be disliked than liked by the majority??

Well, Patricia, it would be nice to be liked by the majority. But too often the majority wants me to be like the majority in order to be liked. That's an alien notion to me. I want to be liked on my terms. Being liked even when I think differently. I believe in live and let live as much as possible. I think, for instance, one shouldn't have to be a Christian to be liked by Christians. And I believe that people with highly divergent views on all sorts of political and social and religious and economic issues should be able to like each other. And to be able to live in harmony with each other. But that doesn't seem to be happening in this world. Instead of loving each other, we often end up hating each other. Going to war. We need a more tolerant society. We have to learn to like people that are different. We have to allow people to be non-conformists. Especially when it comes to thought. We have to learn to approach life with open minds. Very open minds. I'm expressing thoughts and opinions here. I want that freedom of expression. I insist on it. But I don't require anyone to do as I do. Or to think as I think. But please allow me to do as I do and to think as I think. That's all I'm asking. That should be no skin off your back. --Jim Broede

Patricia said...

Sorry Jim, I don't enter into discussions about "politics", "religion" or "Sex" and I totally abhore that you have chosen the word "guttersnipe" to describe the ladies who respond to your shameful posts about them, again I say YOU KNOW NONE of these people personally, so please desist from making theirs lives even more stressful by what you are writing on your "blog" - This is NOT really a "blog" you know - perhaps you should go read Twice Blessed's blog to learn how it should be done.

Another point I would take into consideration if I were you would be how the Alzheimer's Association would feel by you keep referring to their forum and pulling threads from there to taunt these vulnerable people with.

Still remaining polite.....I hope, but finding it more difficult daily to do so. Sad...Sad...Sad

Broede's Broodings said...

They don't know me personally, either, Patricia. And they are accustomed to using names at least equal to guttersnipe. They are just getting a taste of their own language. I thought it was polite to use the other person's language. By the way, they ain't all guttersnipes. Just several of the anonymous ones. As for you, Patricia, I think you are a pretty nice lady. And I've said as much elsewhere in the comments section. I respect you. --Jim Broede