I like it when I read on the Alzheinmer's message boards complaints about our health care system, especially as it relates to the abysmal care for the mentally ill and dementia patients.
Just today, a woman called for all of us to make it an election issue. But hey, it won't happen. Our politicians would rather spend $2 billion a week on an obscene war in Iraq.
Just think about the sorts of improvements we could have if we spent even a fraction of that money on improved health care.
Meanwhile, I told the woman it'll take a revolution to fix the system in meaningful ways. Our mind-sets have to change, too. The best we can hope for in our lifetimes are small changes. Meanwhile, I just try to help needy people I know. Every day acquaintances. In my local community. I suppose if we all did that, it would add up to significant numbers. Sometimes, we think too big. Like me. About a revolution. When I know it won't happen in my lifetime. So I just go about doing whatever little I can. In ways that help an individual patient and care-giver here and there. --Jim Broede
Saturday, September 29, 2007
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Jim---You were partially right when you said: “Sometimes, we think too big.” In my case: “Sometimes we don’t (or didn’t) think at all”. I’m ashamed to say, that until Charlie’s A/D diagnosis, most of my life was spent doing just that as far as the needs of others. Sure...I had my pet charities...supported local causes and made a point to help people that needed help when I came in contact with them (never went looking for them). Much of my time and resources could have been used for better things. If I knew then what I know now...Things would have been done differently.
Part of the problem is that the world is full of people like me who would have done (or would do) more if they were aware of the need. Unfortunately, most of the public is not aware of plight of caregivers, informed of their needs, or given opportunities to help. It is going to take a large scale effort to bring about change
That is why I once suggested Jim, Join "The Cause" to help make others aware. Yet I was ripped apart as my words were twisted.
No, your words weren't twisted. I'm just joining the "cause" in my own way. By helping a handful of people in my own community. People I know. One-on-one. Directly. You wanted me to participate in a more abstract way. In your kind of way. Well, your way may be good and best for you. By raising awareness through a publicity campaign. And that's fine. But I do things in my way. And hey, I'm not ripping you apart. I'm just saying let's each of us do our own thing. --Jim Broede
Yes, the words were twisted to suit your needs. And, this person was threatened. You threatened to publish the "letter exchange" in this blog. Turning something strictly confidential into a public display. But, that's your style. It's sad, but it's you.
Fine. You've decided to join the cause in your own way. Whatever. Did this person not deserve an explanation of your intent before now...instead of your hollow promises on the AD board for everyone to wait and see what's in store. Perhaps you should take the advice from one of your cronies who said, "It is going to take a large scale effort to bring about change".
For the most part, you are a contradictory, self-centered, pot-stirring troll. But, when it came to Jeanne, you were a genuinely kind and loving individual. Are you not capable of showing this type of compassion toward everyone?
I'm writing this knowing full well that you'll probably either delete or severely edit it should you decide to allow its posting. I'm keeping a copy for my own records and I'll know exactly what I've said here.
So, let the slings and arrows come. Your words are tripe beneath my feet. Just in case you're wondering, those words cannot hurt me. I'm merely standing up for my friends, because I...
Give a damn.
Like you, anonymous, I truly do give a damn. Equal to you. That gives us something in common. We each give a damn in our own ways. Can you accept that? --Jim Broede
P.S. And like you, I stand up for my friends, and for my beliefs. --Jim
Jim---Anonymous appears to have a very stilted way of looking at things.
It was OK for 'her friend' to put you on the spot making by a request of you on a forum thread instead of sending you an e-mail. It was not OK for you to not opt to fulfill the request.
It was OK for 'her friend' to air portions of your e-mailed response on the forums. It was not OK for you to notify 'her friend' that because of her action you reserved the right to publish the entire exchange in your blog. Shoot...The forums are certainly more public than this blog. Seems to me you should be the one crying foul.
Anonymous supposedly has friends...but...You have cronies. The definition for that word (according to Encarta) is: a close friend, especially one of long standing. Could she be saying that she has only short term friends???
Been thinking about a large scale effort. Sometimes enough small scale efforts added together turn into a large scale one. If one person does something...and gets others interested and active...and those people get others interested and active...The effort grows and grows and can cause big changes.
The problem is that merely sitting down and writing a letter to a congressman, local newspaper, or protesting an Alz. commercial will not do the job. Going out there, standing up and being counted, taking action, and being seen while doing will. What we need is something visible and catchy enough to reel in the general public. Sooner or later, someone will come up with an idea that works.
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