Sunday, September 9, 2007 makes the ordinary extraordinary.

I think of myself as a poet, writer, thinker and lover. Actually, a romantic poet, a romantic writer, a romantic thinker and a romantic lover. And I try to live it. Because it makes me feel good. And happy. And joyful. Maybe I’m crazy, too. But I mean a good crazy. There’s bad crazy. And good crazy. I dare to walk naked in the world. To be. To be myself. Even if that means making a fool of myself. That’s another thing that I am. A fool. Enough of a fool to fall in love. With Jeanne. Forever and ever and ever. And with life. Oh, I become sad when I lose a loved one. But then I remember, I haven’t lost everything. I still have the spirit. The meaningful spirit. If one has truly loved, one never loses the spirit. Oh, I talk like a fool. Like a crazy man. Because I believe. In love. I’ll always love somebody. Or something. I need to love. It’s a necessity. The only way I can survive. Yes, love makes the ordinary extraordinary. –Jim Broede

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