Saturday, October 13, 2007

...and I play by my rules on my turf.

I keep telling the Ladies Aid Society to identify so much as a single inappropriate post of mine on the Alzheimer’s message boards. They have thousands to choose from. But they’re still looking. So, what do they tell me next? That my “inappropriate” posts have already been deleted. They’re gone. Kaput. Well, the truth of the matter is that if a post was deleted, it was due almost entirely to the ladies themselves. By posting negative and vitriolic responses to what I had to say. Sometimes, by using foul language. And nasty name-calling. In clear violation of the rules of civility established by the Alzheimer administrators. Yes, the ladies had polluted otherwise decent and appropriate threads. That’s always been the ladies’ style. Their mode of operation. To drag a thread through the muck. Into the gutter. Hey, they’d do that here, too. And I’ve even allowed it to some degree. Just to show examples of what would happen if I gave them a freehand, complete freedom of speech. But when they start using innuendo and the language of guttersnipes –well, I tend to draw a line. You don’t do that on my blog. I set the rules. I enforce the rules. You play by my rules when you come here. Just as you must learn to play by the Alzheimer rules on the Alzheimer’s message boards. The ladies, of course, would like to set their own rules. No matter where they play. Anyway, ladies, when you learn the rules and play by ‘em, you won’t get deleted any more. Yes, it works just like magic. I know. I play by the rules of the Alzheimer’s Association when I’m on Alzheimer’s turf...and I play by my rules on my turf. –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Hi Jim---This is not my turf and if I am breaking the rules by posting off subject...Let me know. Truth of the matter is: This has been a tiring week and I need some diversion.

How you doing? Have you heard anything more from Beyond (or what ever she is calling herself today)? You know the babe that posted the 'I'd rather Have Cancer' story and yet could not furnish the name of the author.

I may be wrong but she appears to be twisting, turning, fact shifting type of person...Guilt by innuendo seems to be her specialty. I wonder if she was responsible for the veiled comment asking you about what happened in a NC town (South Port I think) that you had never been in.

Read on one of the forum threads that she has been researching stuff in Mn. Gosh...I hope that she knows the difference between research and stalking. It almost sounded as if she was making a threat instead of a statement. Can't you just imagine her sneaking around Forest Lake and Birchwood. If I were you...I'd make certain that I carried a stick when I went out on my walks and remembered to double lock my doors at night.

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, Cherie, you do raise an interesting point. When does it become stalking? Some of these ladies are obsessed. They don't know how to leave me alone. To simply ignore me. Sometimes, it baffles. If somebody annoys me, I'm able to leave it alone. Leave it at arm's length. And to get on with other things. Even with George Bush. He annoys we no end. But I don't get obsessed over it. I understand there's nothing I can do to change the situation. I can't get rid of George Bush. He's gonna be the president until the end of his term. And he's gonna do what he does. Or it's like today's weather. I accept it. It's cloudy. Sure, I'd rather have the sun. But I'll take what I can get and make the best of it. The Bears are playing the Minnesota Vikings today in Chicago. I want the Bears to win. But if they lose, I have to accept it, and not be obsessed over the outcome of the game. I'm not gonna change the outcome, no matter how hard I try. And these ladies who want to change me. Into a better person. A more understanding person. Can't they learn to accept me as I am? I'm really not doing them any harm. They are harming themselves. With their obsession. And me saying this -- well, it gets 'em even more obsessed. Livid. They tell me to shut up. Right on the Alzheimer's message boards. And it gets 'em suspended. And that makes them furious. Absolutely beside themselves. Yes, Cherie, if the ladies weren't so obsessed, they'd ignore me. Rather than stalk me. And they'd get on with the rest of their lives. --Jim