Tuesday, October 9, 2007

...an idiot with a good sense of humor.

I’ve seen all kinds of pseudonyms used by folks posting on the Alzheimer’s message boards. But the other day, there was one that really caught my attention: Village Idiot.

Now some on the message boards took him/her seriously. And apparently thought this might be someone with low self-esteem. I’m assuming it was a put-on. A jokester. But how does one decide which way to take it?

Maybe I’m wrong. But I decided that anyone using such a moniker must be a likeable person, perhaps an idiot with a good sense of humor. Hey, that might even describe me. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Imagine that. A gal labeled the "village idiot" by Larry the Cable Guy has raised a fuss. Doesn't surprise me. Because Larry is sort of a low life. A name-caller. Actually, Larry did it in the comments section of this blog. I thought for a while about editing/censoring Larry's comment. But I didn't. I guess because I don't let name-calling bother me. I've been called lots of names over the years by the Alzheimer's Ladies Aid Society. Stupid. Cruel. Troll. The Evil One. Atheist. Jerk. And even a bunch of 4-letter epithets not customarily allowed in a high-quality family-oriented blog such as this one. Anyway, I guess I take a rather tolerant approach. I let people call me nasty and derogatory names and to hurl blatant insults at me. Because I've got a thick skin and a thick head. I just draw the line when somebody wants to beat me up. Then I run away. I treasure my body. I treat it like a temple. You can call me any name you want. But please, no physical abuse. As for the lady offended by Larry's name-calling, I'd suggest do as I do. Grow a thick skin and laugh it off. --Jim Broede