Tuesday, October 2, 2007

...trying to make the most of my stay on Earth.

I’ve been described by some ladies (in the Ladies Aid Society) as condescending and arrogant and egotistical and pompous. And I suppose I am. Because I like being me. I like myself. Even when I’m being an ass. But I also can be a nice guy. Kind. Compassionate. Understanding. And funny. Depends on the moment. On the situation. See, I’m imperfect. I’m full of contradictions. Doesn’t bother me. I accept that. I won’t ever become the perfect being. Wouldn’t want to.

Oh, I suppose I would have liked to be the perfect care-giver. For Jeanne's sake. I loved Jeanne dearly. But during the caring process I often bungled. Especially early on. I made plenty of errors. I lost it on occasion. But ultimately, I found my way out of the morass. I became better at it. Better and better. Truly loving. And genuinely caring. I really became darn good at it. Despite my bad moments. Anyway, I often learned from my mistakes. I became a better me. But still, I have my bad moments. Always will. I guess that’s the nature of life. Battling one's self and learning to accept one's limitations. Imperfections. If I were perfect, I’d be god. And no longer a mere human, a mere mortal. Instead, I’m just like the rest of you. A bungler. Maybe an arrogant one at times. Just trying to find my way through life. The best way I can. And by golly, one way or another, I’m gonna keep trying to make the most of my stay on Earth. –Jim Broede

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