Saturday, November 3, 2007 focus on the wonderful aspects of life.

Life is filled with ups and downs. In my case, far more ups than downs. That keeps me going. And I create a world – maybe an imaginary world – which I’d call a world of uppers. I create a world that makes sense. A world that I can believe in. A world filled with the notion of love. Unconditional love. And it works. It makes me happy. If I’m in a downer, I find a way to refocus. On things that buoy my morale. My spirit. Maybe it’s just going for a walk along the lakeshore or in the woods. I put on 10 miles a day. Or 300 miles in a month. Or maybe it’s communing with god. Or with Jeanne in a spirit world. Or maybe it’s watching the Cubs play baseball. Or maybe it’s playing with my dear cats Lover Boy and Little Black Lady. For years, it was being a loving care-giver for my beloved Jeanne. Oh, so many, many ways to focus on the wonderful aspects of life. –Jim Broede

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