Wednesday, December 12, 2007

At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.

Attention anonymous posters!

Some of you anonymous posters here have suggested that because I acknowledge that some of my posts here would be inappropriate on the Alzheimer's message board, that automatically means they are inappropriate or harmful posts here. That's shoddy reasoning. It just happens that the Alzheimer's Association has more rigid, more conservative standards than I do here. Because the Alzheimer's online administrators want to steer clear of controversy. That doesn't mean my standards are bad standards. They're just different standards. I allow for rhubarbs. I think that's a good thing. Controversy isn't necessarily a bad thing. Actually, most of the anonymous comments posted in this blog would be deemed highly inappropriate for the Alzheimer's message boards. They would get you suspended or banned pronto. But I allow more leeway here. Many of you, as you well know, have already been suspended repeatedly by the Alzheimer's Association. Your posts have been far more inappropriate than mine. Yes, face it, you ladies are far more disparaging and mean-spirited than I ever dreamed to be. Compared to you ladies, I'm kind and considerate and open-minded and tolerant. I set a much higher personal ethical standard than most of you. It's time for you to face the truth, dear anonymous ladies. You're often the nasty ones. At times, you ladies act very unlady-like. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Since you are so into repeating things

Broede's Broodings said...
Dear Anonymous:

I appreciate your comment. But there's one thing it's important to recognize, dear anonymous. I wouldn't be able to post this thread on the Alzheimer's message boards, and get away with it. It would be censored. Because it doesn't follow the Alzheimer's ground rules to the letter. It would be contentious. What some people call stirring the pot. The Ladies Aid Society would ask that it be deleted. And probably rightly so, because it doesn't meet the Alzheimer's guidelines. Strictly speaking. But in my blog, I set the rules. I'm able to pretty much say what I want. Just as other bloggers have a right and an opportunity to say pretty much what they want in their blogs. The nice thing is that I have two rather distinct outlets to post my opinions about Alzheimer's and care-givers. On the Alzheimer's message boards, and right here in this blog. And as I say, I have more leeway here. And that keeps me happy. I don't know if that qualifies as an original thought. But it satisfies me. --Jim Broede

November 29, 2007 7:33 AM

Now a lil copy from the Az site

Derogatory messages will not be tolerated. Derogatory messages include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Name calling
 Swear words
 Discrimination
 Personal insinuations/attacks about other online community members
 Complaints about other online community members
 Sexually inappropriate comments
 Disrespecting the wishes of others
Do you see .. personal insinuations/attacks?
Do you see sexually inapprropriate comments?
Do you see Disrespecting the wishes of others???

So as stated you DO this here knowing it isn't allowed there

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous ladies:

It's time that you ladies grasped reality. You are the ones that in 95 percent of the cases launch personal attacks. Mostly, on me. In the comments section of this blog. If we eliminated the comments section, the blog would be far less controversial, far less offensive. And it's really you ladies that keep stirring the pot, so to speak. You come here on a daily basis. Because you are addicted to this blog. And often, you make fools of yourselves. And I rarely stop you. Maybe 10 percent of the comments submitted for publication are rejected. Because they are grossly offensive and grossly inaccurate, way beyond the boundaries of decency. I want this to at least be a family-oriented blog and not the domain of guttersnipes. Yes, that's name-calling. But it's accurate name-calling. That's what some, not all, of you ladies have become. Guttersnipes. And you should be ashamed of it. The sad state of affairs is that you aren't ashamed. And that's a sign of a real, genuine guttersnipe. You don't even know you have foul mouths. It has become so second nature with some -- and again I emphasize not all -- of you. And yes, that is very, very unlady-like. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Ladies:

The funny thing, dear ladies, is that you keep stirring the pot. If you ignored me, the pot wouldn't be stirred. But you can't bring yourself to that point. Yes, you are addicted. To me and my blog. You gotta keep coming back. Even those of you who swear, like Mama's Friend, to never set eye on this blog, come to see. Five times, dear Mama's Friend, cracked. She came to see. Five times, she admits. And now she resolves, never again. But I know Mama's Friend well enough to know she'll be back. For another peek. Another sip at my words. She can't stop herself. She really needs to go into a rehab center long-term. To get her addiction under control -- so that she can proudly proclaim she's a recovering Broedealholic. Indeed, that is a devastating disease. Maybe more devastating than Alzheimer's. At least most Alzheimer's patients have the ability to ignore me. And to go about other, less annoying business. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

fyi, I am a male and I only come here to click your clicker. I really don't find much information here. You repeat yourself over and over. You are old enough to remember record players. Do you remember when one gets scratched? Skipping along over and over repeating nudge starts to play again oops skipping again. From August to present if you read it all, all repeats. One gets dizzy its like a full circle. Well hope all my clicking helps I understand how much you enjoy the need for attention.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Real Male:

I suspect you are a woman masquerading as a man in order to attract attention and feel manly. And if the only reason you come here is to click the clicker, you must be terribly lonely. I'd think you could find better things to do. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

"broede's broodings said...
Dear Real Male:
I'd think you could find better things to do. --Jim Broede"
You too, instead of picking on caregivers. Don't you have anything else to write about?? Or, is it just because your other "thoughts" don't get any attention. Seems you were getting no responses, until you had to take from the board and pick people apart, so others came, as friends, to their defense. Not for you, but for THEM. You are so predictable! There are bets on how long it takes before you attack. What a disgrace to Blogger.

Anonymous said...

So, you think Real Male is a woman?? You ARE paranoid!!

YOU really got it bad for this Mama's Friend. It shows.

Click. Click. Click. Wow, WE have almost 14,800 clicks!!

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

No, I'm not paranoid. I'm perceptive. I can sniff out a woman from 10 miles away. That guy ain't a real man. He's a woman. If he was a real man, he would use his real name. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

I don't pick on anyone. But some ladies think I pick on them.I just express my opinions. Mostly about love and happiness. And unhappy and unloved and beleaguered women resent me being in love and happy and an upbeat and positive care-giver. That rubs them the wrong way. They think I come off as arrogant and condescending. Because I flaunt my happiness. So some of 'em get downright nasty and critical and accuse me of picking on them for being unhappy. Actually, all I am saying is that I have found ways to be happy, despite life's pitfalls. Some of the ladies want me to throw pity parties for them. That's not my style. I just tell the ladies to stop feeling sorry for themselves. And get on with life. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

There are 2 separate things here. One, is someone getting down on you, for your "happy-go-lucky" attitude. While you can claim that members are berating you, for your feeling good, the truth is that you DO present yourself as the ideal, and whether you do it on purpose or not, you DO insinuate that your way is the only way to go, even though you try to disclaim it, at the end of the post. It is clear, through your several years of writing on the board, that you hold yourself way above everyone else. Do you take to heart ANYTHING another person says, unless they are praising you?? Like I say to my daughter,"Put your listening ears on!"
The other is you analyzing and judging members of the message board.That is not your place, and that is not within the spirit of the board, and that is where this all started. These people are not unloved; quite the opposite. "Unhappy, beleaguered"?? Well, we ARE caregiving, through a fatal disease. The posts belong on the message board, not your blog. They are public, but they belong to no one, other than the original poster. You have abused the privilege of using the message board. YOU have also been repeatedly suspended, edited, and deleted.

If you were using this blog, in the true spirit of blogging, I may even lean toward your side. As it is, you continually abuse your privileges, and abuse your former fellow caregivers.

Folks, I see this as a completely lost cause-always has been; always will be. Let's just go back to ignore. There are other ways to handle this.

Anonymous said...

Obessed with real names again are you a stalker? Is that the reason you want real names and locations. Again please tell us rosie's sherri's and larry's real names. Or are they ashamed to use it? Please also give us the locations where they reside. Or are they fictional. You will not have the balls to post this I have asked this question over and over and yet to see my post posted. Seems those questions go to the delete pile.

Anonymous said...

Just a few thoughts taken from your recent post First of all you claim that you do not "pick" on the ladies. You claim they are unhappy. How do you know this, since you say you don't even know what thier names are. Your quote "And unhappy and unloved and beleaguered women resent me being in love and happy and an upbeat and positive care-giver" You are no longer a caregiver I might add. I think your wife passed on. Correct me if I am wrong.

"They think I come off as arrogant and condescending." So I goggled "arrogant" This is what I came up with
1. arrogant When a person is led to believe that they are in some way more superior to everybody else. Pride is fine up until a point, but as soon as you believe that you are in some special way better than everybody else, you become a dickhead
2. Someone who believes they are always right, and better than everyone.
3. Someone who is full of and thinks very highly of him/herself.
(I find you fit each of those)

I do not find anywhere anyone has asked for pity. If I may ask please so me those words. Looking thru postings of your I seen one where You yourself had been scared. It was in a Jan post on the boards. Tell me that day of the posting were you scared? In later postings I witness compassion from those that you continue to call names. You are the one that can not leave it alone. You continue to bring up situations provoking others. You had no replies to your blog until you yourself were banned. Then you brought it here to Jim's world. You could of continued posting things that would get no repsonse but that would make a dull boring world for you. That is not the life you thrive on. You are arrogant.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

You ask how do I know the ladies are unhappy? Well, that's simple. Just read their posts. They sound unhappy. They're lamenting and complaining. Happy people don't do that. In essence, they're telling me they are unhappy because I am happy. They tell me I'm arrogant and condescending for being happy. And flaunting my happiness. That makes them feel bad. Makes them unhappy. It also makes them sick, psychologically speaking. So I just politely suggest that if they really want to be happy to follow my suggestions. The ones that worked for me. I'm merely trying to be helpful. And I get slammed for it by the unhappy ladies -- which is comfirmation that they are very unhappy. If they were happy, they most likely would choose to ignore me. I have a theory that the truly happy people either praise me or ignore me. But they don't complain because they are too happy to complain. Makes sense, doesn't it?--Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

You ask if I am a stalker. No, I am not a stalker. But I feel stalked. By ladies that don't like me. So they come to my blog and stalk me. I wish they would ignore me. I tell them to go home. To stay away from this blog. But they keep coming back. It's as if they are addicted to me. They can't leave me alone. They can't live without me. I wish they'd understand that I'm not available. I wish they would go in for treatment. So they become recovering Broedealholics. It would make my life so much smoother. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anonymous:

You say that I present myself as the "ideal," and that that annoys some ladies. Well, I don't know that I'm ideal. But I am a nice guy. A very pleasant and loving and sensitive fellow. And besides that, I have a thick skin. I put up with lots of crap. Because I believe in turning the other cheek. This fits in with my being a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. That's a combination that rubs some people the wrong way. Nevertheless, those roles are ideal for me. And in that sense, I've achieved my ideal. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has asked:

Why have you refused to answer simple questions?

Well, to tell you the truth, dear anonymous, because your questions are not only simple, they are utterly stupid. I suspect that your IQ is so low that you wouldn't even come close to understanding an honest answer. You'd misconstrue it. So, I'd suggest that you go to school and get some smarts. Or inquire about a brain transplant. That may be your only hope. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I suppose I should expose my “real name” and make it all “respectable” for you, Mr. Broede. However, I will deny you that privilege, as I am familiar with the internet to the extent that I would not post my enemy’s name and address online for the world to explore. I could easily say that my name was Janis Joplin, and you would never be able to prove that this is not my name. I could post that I was residing in a small apartment located above the Smithsonian in Washington DC and you would never know if this were true or not. I am certainly NOT ashamed to sign my name to any material that I write. I am just bright enough not to do so online. I will tell you that everyone (in the real world) who is aware of my identity does indeed know that my nickname is…Cinnamingirl.

My response to your recent posting of one of my posts from months ago: You said, “And I marveled at how far I had come. I learned patience. And understanding. And sensitivity. And compassion. And love. At the beginning of the journey, I had much to learn. But after 13 years, I think I learned well -- at least well enough not to rant and rave any more. I'd call that progress.”

Well, guess what?? My Mom has been ill with dementia for over four years. I have been her caretaker for that same amount of time, and yes, I agree, it is a learning process. As the disease worsens, the amount of care increases, and we must learn to understand, to have patience, and well, to be honest, I already had the sensitivity and compassion part pretty much down. I am a caring person, a people person, and I was taught to think about the feelings of others from a very young age. Love, yes, it is all about the love. I love my Mother. I care for her with love, always! I learned to deal, just like you, I followed the disease, like it or not, and it was a learning process. I did it in less than these four years! I call THAT progress!

Have a nice day Jim Broede, I wish you no ill will; I wish you peace and a happy life. Would it be so hard for you to wish me the same? THAT is what my parents taught me. They called it common courtesy. You may wish to try it for yourself. It could possibly make you less susceptible to those “nasty attacks” by those “ladies” whom you love to hate.

I wanted you to know, since you have addressed this on your blog, that yes, I indeed posted ONE entry regarding your posts on the Alz. Forum and your posting about me on your blog. I have not, as you stated, “Taken you to task several times”, it was just this one time. Apparently, it was a good subject! At this time, today, the 16th of December, there have been 425 Comments in response to this one post!

Since you state that you have never visited my blog, I thought you might like to know that I did not post my comment to “take you to task”, but rather to state my feelings about what you had posted. Also to allow everyone who was interested in this subject to post, to freely post, without censure, their feelings about the recent events on the forum.

Yipes! A walk into Enemy Territory!

With all the fuss over a certain poster on our forum, I finally broke down and had a look…And guess what?!? I’m famous – Infamous?? I found MY SCREEN NAME right along side of others who posted what J. Broede apparently took personal affront to. Joyce wrote in stating that posts were being deleted quickly. Well, they were, and we all know why. This was the topic of the day…No…The topic of three posts in a row over there in J.B. land…

J. Broede says that his Blog is “…the proper place to take on the inappropriate ladies”.

Ok then…I guess MY BLOG is the ONLY place that I can address the broodings of Broede!

I do not believe you when you say that you are a freethinking, romantic or a dreamer. The only one allowed free thought, or free speech for that matter, in your world is you. Romantic – NOT – Romantics place a rosy glaze over EVERY situation, not only over those little mind trips that you feel the need to share with us. Dreamer – SURE – IF your dreams can be directed, edited and replayed in the fashion that YOU believe is correct, you are a dreamer. Truthfully, up to this time, I really didn’t have a huge problem with you. I thought that you were a bit judgmental, somewhat condescending, and at times you bait people to get a reaction…I believe that you did love your wife and I commend you for doing what you thought was best for her. However, so many of us caretakers are also doing what we think is best for our loved ones. It does not help anyone to tell them that you do not think they are doing it right. That is unfair! Who are you to judge anyone? You seem to have it solidified in your mind that we are all seeking your approval. Why would you think that? You are quick to pounce on someone if you do not agree with that person. Why? If you were a free thinker, you would allow the same of others. They would be allowed to have free thought, even if it differed from yours.

One more question, Mr. Freethinker, if I may…And since this is MY blog...I may!!
IF you created a blog to share your feelings, your thoughts, your broodings…Why ever do you feel the need to drag anything from the caretaker’s forum to your blog? Have you no other thoughts to brood about?

This was posted on
by Cinnamin at 12:09 AM on Oct 14, 2007

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Cinmin girl:

Thank you for your thoughts. If you read carefully, I posted to you just to tell you that I was taking a different approach than you, and that it worked for me. That's all. That doesn't imply that you are doing wrong. I just volunteered another option. Take it or leave it. You jumped to the silly and erroneous conclusion that I wanted you to take it. Not so. That's totally your decision. What you and some of the ladies do is automatically assume that I am implying that you gotta do it my way. Ain't so. I'm just telling you and the ladies and other readers of the forum -- hey, this worked for me. I'm merely sharing my experience. Where do I say this is the only way to do it? I also tell the ladies that I'm generally happy. And that I'm in love. All this despite life's pitfalls. Including Alzheimer's. I'm saying a large part of the battle is attitude. That is, for me. I refuse to have a downer attitude. Again, I'm just sharing my approach, my way, what works for me. That's all, Cinmin girl. I'm just plain happy to share. My success. Many people choose to share their failures. I choose to share mostly my successes. My upbeat moments. For that, I am sometimes taken to task for being arrogant and condescending. I guess that's what I get for being positive and upbeat and successful and in love. I'm saying that I feel good about life, in general. I'm saying that often good things have sprung from seemingly bad stuff in my life. I'm actually saying that I enjoyed being a care-giver to dear Jeanne. That it made me a better person. I'm even saying that some good sprung from my dad's suicide almost 60 years ago. For all this, I've been taken to task by some of the ladies for not having the right attitude. Well, pardon me. I'm in love with life. And I like to declare it. And that's no slam on those who may be unhappy and not in love. That's their business. Not mine. That's their choice. Not mine. That doesn't make me arrogant and condescending. It just makes me different. I'm not saying that anybody else has to be like me. As far as I am concerned, they can be whatever they want to be. Look over this blog closely, Cinmin girl. I discuss many, many subjects. Alzheimer's and care-giving is one. But there are others. And when I take issue with people, it's usually because they take issue with me. And I reply. Just as I am replying to you. To let you know where I am coming from. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Mr. Broede, Thank you for your reply. I truly appreciate that you took the time to read and reply to me directly. The only comment I have would like to address was the one statement that you made stating, "You jumped to the silly and erroneous conclusion that I wanted you to take it." I dissagree with this. I did not jump to ANY silly nor erroneous conclusion, and I would appreciate it if you would make an effort, if you continue to feel the need to address me in any way, to refrain from making the statement that my thoughts,feelings,or "conclusions" are silly. Isn't that just another word for stupid? I don't think that is a fair statement to make. You have no idea of my education, so why would you assume this? I'm a person too, just like you. My thoughts and feelings are valid, no matter how "silly" you may think they are. Thanks.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Cinmin girl:

You come across as a very civil and polite woman. And I apologize for anyway I have offended you. I think both of us are reachable. I think you have an open mind. I mean you no harm. Only kindness. When I commented on your post, I thought it was a very recent one. I hadn't noticed the date. And believe me, I didn't intend my reply to you to be construed as criticism. It was merely a statement of fact -- that I personally had found a way not to rant and rave because of something my Jeanne did. That's all. I was just sharing my experience. How I had transformed from a ranter and raver and become more kind and accepting of the pitfalls of Alzheimer's. I did not wish to come across as arrogant or condescending. I fully understand how easy it is to get upset while serving as a care-giver to a loved one. And therefore, your venting is a legitimate way to deal with it. I was just saying that I found another option. And I was proud to say it. And yes, I wish I had not offended anyone. Anyway, I appreciate your kindness and courtesy. Indeed, I do owe you an apology. --Jim Broede