Thursday, December 27, 2007

Good ridence (sic)!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

Mr. Broede. You will be pleased to know that Cinn's Mother died last Night. Oh, maybe you will not be pleased, because you will have to dig up someone else to torture, for your own pleasure!

Cinn is, and has been 1,000 times better Caregiver, & Human Being then you could ever hope to be? Oh, that is right too, you usually pick on people you are jealous of, getting that much 'coveted' attention, that you so crave, and never get?

I never read your Blog, because I have never even come across a more dispicable Human Being than you J.B. I 'loathe' you, and I am obviously not alone in this.It appears that The Alzheiemer's Association is FINALLY on to you too, since I have not seen any posts from you for weeks, maybe, months? Good ridence!


Broede's Broodings said...


I thought it would be nice to post some of my hate mail in this thread. You are welcome to add more hate any time. Let's have a contest to see who can be the most hateful. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'm still in love with life.":

Jim no one cares. The mafia in Chicago was looking for your dad. He wasn't a hero but a coward, and a crook.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

Right, Jim. You never come here. That's why you're wild with rage and so desperate you had to go months back to find an old post of Cinnamin's, AFTER you saw her post that her Mom was in the dying process.

Jim, for someone who pretends to be master teacher of lovelovelove, you spew hatred and cruelty. Postive vibes? If you're the example, that pretty much says it all.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

oh hell only a few more clicks and you made another milestone ........... HERE WE GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh read below. His next victim is already picked out. He has just chosen to not allow any messages to be posted about what he had to say about lostnow. Can only hope he is banned from getting to her on the forum. I tried to be nice in asking him to leave her alone, considering his views on suicide. He knows who I am and that it was my first and only post to him and that I used my name. Of course that was sometime ago and he didn't post it. He doesn't have the balls to post too much, just the same old **** different day. But he is a good cut and paster.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous said:

I see a nerve has been touch. What you can't release the names of dear sweet rosie, scary and larry?? Why is that jimbo the one of many. I don't need a brain transplant, nor do I need any additional schooling. Because YOU just answered my questions!!!! I love it when your ears match your nose

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

Again since you like repeating I will ask again.

Again please tell us rosie's sherri's and larry's real names. Or are they ashamed to use it? Please also give us the locations where they reside. Or are they fictional.

Why have you refused to answer these simple questions

Anonymous said...

I don't care enough about you to hate you. I do however feel sorry for the people you have come in contact with.
BTW you have already won the contest.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

Just a few thoughts taken from your recent post First of all you claim that you do not "pick" on the ladies. You claim they are unhappy. How do you know this, since you say you don't even know what thier names are. Your quote "And unhappy and unloved and beleaguered women resent me being in love and happy and an upbeat and positive care-giver" You are no longer a caregiver I might add. I think your wife passed on. Correct me if I am wrong.

"They think I come off as arrogant and condescending." So I goggled "arrogant" This is what I came up with
1. arrogant When a person is led to believe that they are in some way more superior to everybody else. Pride is fine up until a point, but as soon as you believe that you are in some special way better than everybody else, you become a dickhead
2. Someone who believes they are always right, and better than everyone.
3. Someone who is full of and thinks very highly of him/herself.
(I find you fit each of those)

I do not find anywhere anyone has asked for pity. If I may ask please so me those words. Looking thru postings of your I seen one where You yourself had been scared. It was in a Jan post on the boards. Tell me that day of the posting were you scared? In later postings I witness compassion from those that you continue to call names. You are the one that can not leave it alone. You continue to bring up situations provoking others. You had no replies to your blog until you yourself were banned. Then you brought it here to Jim's world. You could of continued posting things that would get no repsonse but that would make a dull boring world for you. That is not the life you thrive on. You are arrogant.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

Obessed with real names again are you a stalker? Is that the reason you want real names and locations. Again please tell us rosie's sherri's and larry's real names. Or are they ashamed to use it? Please also give us the locations where they reside. Or are they fictional. You will not have the balls to post this I have asked this question over and over and yet to see my post posted. Seems those questions go to the delete pile.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

There are 2 separate things here. One, is someone getting down on you, for your "happy-go-lucky" attitude. While you can claim that members are berating you, for your feeling good, the truth is that you DO present yourself as the ideal, and whether you do it on purpose or not, you DO insinuate that your way is the only way to go, even though you try to disclaim it, at the end of the post. It is clear, through your several years of writing on the board, that you hold yourself way above everyone else. Do you take to heart ANYTHING another person says, unless they are praising you?? Like I say to my daughter,"Put your listening ears on!"
The other is you analyzing and judging members of the message board.That is not your place, and that is not within the spirit of the board, and that is where this all started. These people are not unloved; quite the opposite. "Unhappy, beleaguered"?? Well, we ARE caregiving, through a fatal disease. The posts belong on the message board, not your blog. They are public, but they belong to no one, other than the original poster. You have abused the privilege of using the message board. YOU have also been repeatedly suspended, edited, and deleted.

If you were using this blog, in the true spirit of blogging, I may even lean toward your side. As it is, you continually abuse your privileges, and abuse your former fellow caregivers.

Folks, I see this as a completely lost cause-always has been; always will be. Let's just go back to ignore. There are other ways to handle this.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "At times, you ladies act very unlady-like.":

So, you think Real Male is a woman?? You ARE paranoid!!

YOU really got it bad for this Mama's Friend. It shows.

Click. Click. Click. Wow, WE have almost 14,800 clicks!!

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

Others who may have similar afflications (similar to Broede) BTK, Bundy,Gacey,...
My question would be have you ever killed anyone (aside from in your fantasies and as a result of boring someone to death.)

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

This is to anonymous whose daughter is writing a dissertation on the psychology of internet trolls. I would actually encourage your daughter to accept mr. broede's invite to interview him. With one stipulation. If she can also interview Jeanne's children and some of his friends. Bet you won't print this one will you mr. broede? Up for the challenge? Didn't think so! If you do print this, you will only go on and on and beat around the bush about me or the other anonymous. And will never answer the question directly. Watch everyone what he does!

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

I have been lurking on the Alz forum on and off for a couple of years now, and have only posted a couple of times. I find that reading the advice and support of the countless caregivers has helped me immensely in my journey as a secondary caregiver to my father. In those years, I have read all of your posts with a combination of fasination and sorrow. Facination that you appear to enjoy causing disharmony, and sorrow that you appear not to care about how your words are affecting the very people who are on the forum for support, answers, and a safe place to vent their frustrations with this horrible disease. Not only do you do that on the forum "within" guidelines, but you take those words to your own blog to ridicule and berate. I come to your blog (as I am sure the majority do) to try to understand what motivates this behavior. With a degree in psychology, it's my nature to be fascinated with dysfunction. But what I want you to know, as you seem to get such satisfaction with attention of any kind, is that my daughter, who is a graduate student in Psychology, is doing her dissertation on the psychology of internet trolls. When she told me that this would be her focus, I lead her to the ALZ assoc website, and to your blog. I can't tell you how happy she is with the information. Just wanted you to know that many of your "hits" have been from her fellow classmates and professors. I have no doubt that it will be very well written, and she will certainly quote her sources, as you are a major source in her work. I thank you for that, and she may be the only person who is truly sad that you were suspended, hopefully you will be even more active on your blog so that her source for study won't go away completely. Your "advice" has been inordinately helpful to her. I'll be glad to send a copy to you when it's completed.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

This is to anonymous whose daughter is writing a dissertation on the psychology of internet trolls. I would actually encourage your daughter to accept mr. broede's invite to interview him. With one stipulation. If she can also interview Jeanne's children and some of his friends. Bet you won't print this one will you mr. broede? Up for the challenge? Didn't think so! If you do print this, you will only go on and on and beat around the bush about me or the other anonymous. And will never answer the question directly. Watch everyone what he does!

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

Boy, you are getting desperate now. Getting personal.
YOU sound like the one who is afraid of "Bonnie", otherwise, why would you strike out like that?

Too bad you have to monitor the responses. Hardly a level playing field. But, we should expect no more than this from you. As your friend likes to say, we need to lower our expectations.

I'm sure all this negativity is making your season bright. Numbers, numbers, numbers. Seems like you are the only one who cares, anyway.

The original poster had a very humble and reasonable request. You automatically attribute one minute complaint, which was actually a request for a cleaning solution, and turn it into questionable caregiving. The manly thing to do, would have been to either provide the name of a cleaning product, or leave it alone. You have absolutely no right to claim that that woman's Mother got anything less than the best of care. That could be a legal issue, you know, even if it isn't her real name. You may believe you were a wonderful caregiver, but you cannot care for fellow human beings, so why bother.
You repeat yourself.
You repeat yourself.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

You have a soul mate Mr. Broede. Her name is Lori Drew. She is the most hated human being in this country. She used her Broede like skills to cut the earth out from under a 13 yr. old girl and drove her to suicide. Yes she is hated, as you would be if you were more widely known. Google her. I'm sure you will recognize yourself in her vile persona. She will be prosecuted civilly for her role in harrassing the child via the internet. I hope someone uses your words to make you accountable someday. Broede/Drew...same piece of crap, different state.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

Yes, we all see, that to you, it is all nothing, and stupid.YOU JUST DO NOT GET IT. Sometimes, all it takes is to write down a few angry words to help one feel better So what if there is not a "name" attached. We are still entities. We still have feelings. We still have struggles. AND, it used to help, to have a safe place to go, to vent our frustrations, without fear of judgments or recriminations. The AA board is no longer that place. I do not give you full credit; there have been others, but I think THEY finally understood.

Yes, we could all just do as we pleased. We could all call ourselves freethinkers, but WE all know that there ARE other people in the world, and things that we do may affect them in some way, no matter how small. Too bad, you cannot see past yourself to realize it. Too bad, you don't just leave other people alone. Too bad, you don't just hook up with your friends in your cocoon, and leave the compassionate living to the rest of us.

Doesn't matter about the names. They are all labels, anyway. Some people just care about the person. I like to remember people in my life by the circumstances.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd call that progress.":

What in the world makes you think that that one little glimpse of life, on the forum, is what the member's entire day is?? For all you know, that girl's care for her Mom has always been loving and caring. She, in no way, insinuated that her frustrations were taken out on her Mother. Her "rant" seemed to last only a few minutes. Thank goodness she could get that out. You didn't even realize that the post was over 2 months old!

WAIT A MINUTE, that can't happen on the boards anymore, can it?? Members can no longer "dump" on the boards. That is because everything and anything runs the risk of appearing in your blog. I'm sure, that only serves your ego.

I believe you are actually oblivious to the truth, even when it is spelled out for you. NO ONE appreciates, likes, approves or gives permission for you to STEAL(it IS stealing)their writing.

You are helping no one, only hurting. You are being very selfish, satisfying your own desires, at the expense of people who are dealing with the finalities of death, with their Loved Ones. From the moment our Loved Ones are diagnosed, we are dealing with the reality of their death.

You really just do not get it, and you never will. You have absolutely NO people-sense. I know you must praise yourself often, because you sure aren't going to hear it from anyone else. You had chances, and choices, and lost them all to your own need for...I don't even know what to call it. I guess narcissism comes very close. Yes, need for self. Whether it be good attention, or bad, doesn't matter, as long as you are at the center of it. Too bad, you could have been a great asset to the board, instead of undermining it.

FYI, your blog CAN be removed, at the discretion of your host. All it takes, is a few well-placed emails, letting them know that the content is not in line with the rules?? They do not even have to give a reason. The wheels are turning. Slow, but turning.

Did you also know, that in the U.S., you own copyright from the moment you create something, unless you have signed a contract otherwise?? It doesn't have to be registered with anyone, or organization.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Yes, I'll try to suck it up...":

You must be new to the Broede experience. His blog is nothing but recycled forum posts and attack on the people there. Why? I suspect it is because Mr. I am in love with life doesn't actually have one.
Stay tuned. You will get to read all about how lucky he feels that his father died in his 30's, his grandparents in their 20's and 30's because it all worked out great for HIM. YES, THAT IS THE BROEDE WAY OF LOOKING AT LIFE. ME ME ME ME ME.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Yes, I'll try to suck it up...":


I am the highly educated atheist woman from previous posts. I don't care to share my name but please don't lump me with the group you consider "inept caregivers". I am a woman who can afford to provide any care that I think is appropriate for my spouse and I know my limitations.

I don't intend to stir the pot and I am not bothered by you using my post in your blog. I believe the respect goes both ways. The Aide Society, as you call them, owe you a certain level of respect as well.
However, perhaps you should take the high road by not using their comments on the Alzheimer's Message board.

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I really want to write about love. Not hate.":

Let me get my tissue's, so much love in you jb. Look at your family, you speak to any of them? I doubt it, I am even going to assume that your family in germany have finally figured you out too. But you do have your dear, scary and your dear jel. Unless they are just your made up friends. Your soul has been sold.

Broede's Broodings said...

Still more hate mail. Keep it coming, folks. Let people see your hate. There's lots of room in this hate thread. --Jim Broede

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It could be that love made a difference. I like to...":

Repeating really sucks. Tell us how Jeanne suffered at your hands. Oh wait you left her when she broke her wrist. Thats showing us the love.