Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I like to think nice thoughts. It doesn't hurt.

“My mother,” Myrtle wrote on the Alzheimer’s message boards, “has had hallucinations for over two years, in spurts…Throughout all of the previous hallucinations, she saw people but she didn't recognize or know any of them. Now she is seeing our deceased family members. Has anyone else experienced this?”

Interesting, isn’t it?

I told Myrtle that maybe mom really is in contact with deceased relatives. Because she's getting closer and closer to the spirit world. Maybe her spirit is being released gradually from her own body, and that brings her closer to the spiritual realm. I don't discount it. Maybe Myrtle shouldn't either. It's a positive and somewhat romantic and optimistic way of looking at things. Mom may be getting closer to god. To paradise. To the spirit world. Another dimension. Maybe that happens when we lose our minds. It leaves only the spirit. Now, isn't that a nice thought? I like to think nice thoughts. It doesn't hurt. –Jim Broede

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