Wednesday, December 5, 2007

...if I sounded like those ladies.

Some of the ladies on the Alzheimer's message boards think I use pseudonyms. In other words, that I may be 'Cherie' and 'Rosie.' Because Cherie and Rosie have nice things to say about me. Therefore, the ladies think I'm playing a big game. But hey, look and see. I'm the only one on the message boards with the courage to use his real and full name. I'm Jim Broede. And they can easily get it verified that I'm real and live in Forest Lake, Minnesota. I have no need or reason to use fake names. Ever. The ladies, meanwhile, all hide behind pseudonyms. So, why do they complain when I lift some of their posted comments and use them here, without their permission? After all, they never used their real identities anyway. They're cowards. Hiding behind false names. Can't blame 'em, really. I wouldn't use my name either...if I sounded like those ladies. --Jim Broede

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