Thursday, January 31, 2008

I don't know any better.

I like to live in two worlds. Simultaneously, in a way. A blend of reality and unreality, I suppose. Just depends on how one wants to interpret what is happening in one's life. I think it's good -- good for me, that is -- to fantasize. To some degree. To live in the physical world that one can touch and see very clearly. But to make sense of it all, I have to believe in another dimension. The spirit. In ever-lasting life. I want forever to get it right. And I don't mind being wrong. Making mistakes. Being the fool. The buffoon. The ass. Because that's the only way I can learn. By just letting myself go. By testing the limits of this thing called love. Something inside me. I don't fear going crazy. Crazy in the pursuit of happiness. And joy. I don't want sadness. At least i don't want prolonged sadness. Or prolonged depression. Even if I have to trick myself to avoid the unhappiness -- well, that's what I do. I believe in love. I've experienced it. So I know beyond a doubt that love exists. And if I'm wrong, so be it. But for the moment, I don't know any better. --Jim Broede

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