Tuesday, January 8, 2008

They are worthy companions.

Jeanne taught me so much. She taught me to love. Nature. Animals. Life. Everything. I am so grateful. I grew up in a home without pets. And I'm not so sure that I'd have learned to love pets without Jeanne's guidance. But it really came naturally. We had the dogs. And then one day, the kids brought home a cat they found in the woods. I said, no way. No cats. We've got dogs. That's enough. Well, just think about the extent of my authority. Wasn't long before we had 3 cats. And as time went on, I fell in love with dogs and cats and chipmunks and raccoons and birds and even a skunk that lived under one of our decks for a while. And when a stray cat wandered into the neighborhood, I was the one that said, "Oh, we can add a 4th cat or a 5th cat to our family." And when one of our pets dies, I cry. I mourn. Sometimes for weeks. I get over it, of course. I feel real kinship with our pets. With my two cats. It's almost as if they are human. They are worthy companions. --Jim Broede

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