Monday, January 7, 2008

To be reasonably nice about it all.

It's hard for me to understand and accept people who want to be like everybody else. Who want to do what's expected of them. I like people who are unique. Different. I like people who become their true selves. I've never felt a need to fit in. It's all right to be a maverick. I don't find it necessary to win a popularity contest. Oh, I want to be liked. Accepted. But not by a flock. I'd rather connect with one or two or three others. Kindred spirits. And that doesn't mean we have to be alike. We can be very, very different people and still be kindred spirits. Jeanne was very different from me. But we gave each other balance. We made each other whole. We blended nicely. Anyway, I suppose I'm wrong in judging some ladies as snobs. Maybe they are being just what they want to be. Snobs. It brings them comfort. It's an easy way to get through life. It would be difficult for me. But they find it easy. Sure, the snobs criticize me. And from their perspective, I'm the arrogant, condescending snob. And maybe they are right. And maybe I'm wrong. That's why I find it difficult getting angry with them. I just accept that they're entitled to their opinion. Their judgment. Just as I'm entitled to my opinion. My judgment. In disagreeing with them, I'm trying to have fun. I'm more inclined to laugh rather than to rant and rave. I want to give them the benefit of doubt. And to be reasonably nice about it all. --Jim Broede

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