Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Unconditional love. I think that's possible.

I often try to write in an intimate way. Even with relative strangers. That scares lots of people. They are afraid of intimacy. Intimacy doesn't have to be physical. So often, that's the only way we think of it. Physical intimacy. That's putting the cart in front of the horse. We have to learn to dig deep into ourselves. To communicate. To do more than go through mere motions. Words can be very intimate. I want to speak and write to others with real meaning. With real intimacy. That doesn't mean we have to go to bed with each other. I want to see inside people. Into their souls. Into the depths of their very being. I want people to learn to be spiritually naked. To acknowledge their vulnerabilities. Without being afraid. To learn to trust each other. To love each other. Genuinely. Unconditionally. Totally. I think that's possible. --Jim Broede

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