Friday, February 22, 2008

Maybe god is understaffed.

Dealing with the system is always complicated. It's a game, of sorts. I try to simplify things when possible. Maybe I have a tendency to oversimplify. That was my nature as a writer for newspapers. To write stories that are easily understood. And balanced. In so many ways, I succeeded. But also, in so many ways I fail. It's a battle. Trying to be fair to everyone. And trying to be honest. Without hurting my fellow human beings. Sometimes, it's just a matter of not having time for everything. Things go neglected. People go neglected. Maybe things go bad in this world because god doesn't even have time for everything. Turns out, maybe, that god has to neglect things. And neglect people. Maybe god delegates some things. To underlings. To underlings that are incompetent. Or maybe the underlings don't have time. Maybe god is understaffed. --Jim Broede

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