Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wondering how much loot...

Here in America, it's St. Valentine's Day. A special day set aside for lovers. They're supposed to appreciate each other on this day. Well, I don't observe Valentine's Day per se. Because one should appreciate one's lover every day. Every day should be special. And if I make Valentine's Day extra special -- well, then the other days aren't extra special. Really, I think Valentine's Day was created by commercial interests. A way for businesses to increase sales. Of candy and flowers and other non-essentials. The same for Mother's Day and Father's Day. All sorts of special days. Maybe the biggest commercial hoax of all is Christmas. Merchants love Christmas. It's a time to rake in money. To make people go out and buy things. To lavish each other with material goods. That's the meaning I got of Christmas as a youngster. Sitting around the tree. Wondering how much loot I'd rake in. --Jim Broede

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