Saturday, May 31, 2008

...a happy religion.

I've attended many church services. In all kinds of churches. And I returned to the ones that had clergymen who delivered interesting sermons. Stimulating sermons. Most of these pastors were more like poets than traditional ministers and priests. They talked in laymen's terms. And often, they used humor. They made their congregations laugh. And they talked about love. Also, most of these churches had good music. Often, they brought in talented musicians. The other day I watched a video clip of a Catholic priest on the pulpit of an interracial Protestant church in Chicago. And I saw the congregation hooting and hollering with laughter. Almost rolling in the aisles. And I thought to myself, "Now there's a church I'd like to attend. These folks believe in a happy religion." --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

I tend to believe that the focus of these people is whoever can "hoot and holler" and roll in the aisles best.

Anonymous said...

If you are referring to the "priest" who degraded Hillary Clinton, to the glee of the congregation, I can see how this would appeal to you. I think humor at the expense of another has no place in a house of worship, even if it is Hillary. That is not "happy religion"; that is cruelty. However, I COMPLETELY understand the attraction for you.

Now, because of this childish behavior, Senator Obama has had to resign from his church. How sad.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't comparing it to anything, simply judging it on its own merits(or demerits). This is so typically a "Broede Bend"(as I like to call'em) Stating that all of those things are more cruel, does not take the cruelty away from the first. You are comparing apples to oranges.

"poking satirical fun", in the manner of these so-called “leaders”, should not be practiced at ANY house of worship. As I stated, it belongs on SNL.

I have also been to many, many "happy" religious services, which included none of this. Music-even rock ‘n roll-, laughter, joy, etc., but, NEVER at the expense of another.

Personally, I think you are just saying that you appreciate this behavior, so you will get responses where you have been getting next to none. You are singing two completely different tunes here. If Clinton's camp does this, "She's a sore loser" you say, "she's willing to malign Obama".
And, no, I do not support Clinton/Clinton.

Broede's Broodings said...

Hey, if Hillary Clinton can dish it out, she also should be able to take a satirical lambaste or two, too. She's a politician through and through. She knows how to fight dirty and mean. She ain't gonna win any purity of heart contest. She knows how to distort the truth, and she doesn't hesitate to do it. But I'll tell you one thing, I'll take her ahead of George Bush any day. But I'd rather have Barack Obama. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

You're sidestepping again. Forget it.