Sunday, June 1, 2008

But I'm trying.

I suppose I believe in god. Without believing in religion. The organized church turns me off. By trying to tell me what I have to believe. By establishing ground rules. I like to be flexible. I suppose if I have a religion, it's a one-on-one relationship with god. I like to go directly to god. And shun the intermediaries. Oh, I like to cultivate a relationship with clergymen and clergywomen. With theologians. With seminary professors. With writers. With thinkers. All sorts of people. I like to talk about spiritual matters. To ponder. I like direct conversations with god. Even with Jesus. I treat Jesus like a buddy. Not like the son of god. Oh, I think we all are creations of god. Therefore, we are related to god. One way or another. I suspect we were all created with the potential to love. To love each other. To love life. I think that's what god wants us to do. Love. Love. Love. Some of us do it better than others. But that's my mission. To learn how to love. Better. And better. And better. I'm not sure if I'll ever master the art. But I'm trying. --Jim Broede

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