Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Face it, brothers, we've lost.

My next door neighbor has a sign in his yard. "Let our soldiers win." I think I'll ask him, how do we decide if we have won? Personally, such a task is virtually impossible. Even if we declare victory, we will have lost. So very much. Think of the lives being lost. Not only Americans and our allies. But Iraqi lives, too. What a shame. And think of the money being dumped down the proverbial rat hole. Estimates are starting to range into the trillions of dollars. The money could easily have been spent on improving life in America and the rest of the world. And think of the damage to the American soul. For waging a senseless war, a so-called preemptive war. A pity. Shame on the American nation. We Americans are delusional. Some of us think we won the Vietnam War. And now some of us even think we can win the Iraqi War. Face it, brothers, we've lost. --Jim Broede

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