Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I know. From experience.

One can hardly get through life without facing a catastrophe or two. That's how it goes. But the good life is still possible. If one learns to adjust. To cope. Because despite adversity, life is still full of joys. So many good things. Sure, we may lose a father to suicide. Or a wife to Alzheimer's. All sorts of tragedies happen. And nobody lives forever. That's the nature of life. Yet, some people let the bad events pull them down. And they stay down. I think that's the saddest part of life. People who refuse to be happy. People who spend virtually all of their time lamenting. Instead of bouncing back. I see it so often. I try to console and comfort some of 'em. But I can't change them. They have to change themselves. But it can be done. I know. From experience. --Jim Broede

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