Friday, September 19, 2008

Government...the problem solver.

When it comes to trust, I'm inclined to trust government more than I trust the private sector. Because I think under the free enterprise system, we'll always have profiteers. People in business to make money. Lots of money. Obscene profits. But when the going gets tough, and the profits shrink because of poor investments and faulty management decisions, the capitalists run to government. For relief. Even for government takeover of their businesses. Such as banks and other lending institutions. Yes, nationalization. Socialism. So the taxpayers pick up the tab. The capitalists will take hefty profits gladly. But when it comes to losses, their attitude is shift the burden to the beleaguered taxpayers. Well, I'm a socialist sympathizer. Thinking that government can run business better than private enterprise. Government's aim is to provide a service for the public good. Without raking in profits. I like the idea of socialized medicine. A single-payer system. Through the government rather than by private insurance companies. Furthermore, many private businesses look for tax loopholes. In order to reap even bigger profits. And in the big corporations, the CEOs often make thousands of times more than the rank-and-file workers. That ain't right. It's time to finally recognize that government has been portrayed by big business as the problem. When really, democratic socialism may prove to be the problem solver. --Jim Broede

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