Tuesday, September 2, 2008

...how to cope with losing.

When the Cubs lost their 4th straight game tonight, I sat down at my computer and started to write several items for my blog. It was a way to divert my mind. To something more pleasant. Writing. I can affect my mood by choosing to write. And when I write, I work myself into a thoughtful mood. A good mood. I have this overwhelming desire to be happy. So I have to force myself to think happy thoughts. Upbeat thoughts. Positive thoughts. It means that I find a way to salvage some good from the night. Rather than to lament about something that would otherwise bother me. Yes, I found something good in the Cubs losing. I countered the loss with good thoughts. Even a thought that losing may be good for the Cubs in the long run. Teaches them how to cope with losing. --Jim Broede

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