Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm alive and well and happy.

About once a week, I peek in and read a woman's blog. A woman that seems to me feels sorry for herself. She's in depression. Admits it, too. And she has a chronic illness. I sort of feel sorry for her, too. I'll send her a note now and then. To try to console her. Doesn't always work. Sometimes, I may do her more harm than good. She doesn't think I understand depression. Could be she's right. Because I try to avoid depression. Just the thought of it makes me depressed. So I switch gears immediately. And start to think happy thoughts. Remind myself that I'm in love. With someone. But if I'm not in love with someone, I'm still in love with life. So far, that has pulled me through. May not forever. I don't like the thought of falling ill and dying a slow, lingering death. That might depress me. But I try not to think about it. Instead, I focus on today. And at the moment, I'm alive and well and happy. --Jim Broede

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