Friday, September 5, 2008

...the unnecessary war on terror.

I think the terrorist threat to the U.S. is exaggerated. Largely by politicians. Such as George Bush. I don't even think a so-called war on terror is necessary. Oh, there should be police action. Attacks by terrorists are crimes. Yes, 9/11 was a crime. But to go to war over it? Give me a break. Those responsible for the planning of it should be rounded up and brought to trial and justice. By international police action. Not by war. The terrorists gave Bush an excuse to make political hay. To even invade a country (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush just wanted an excuse to try to change the nature of the Middle East. He miscalculated a bit. Got us bogged down in a costly and senseless war. One that's doing far more harm than good for America. In terms of lost lives and lost money. We taxpayers are going to pay trillions for that debacle. We've played right into the hands of terrorists. And the planners of 9/11 are still free. Meanwhile, we Americans have lost many of our freedoms. All in the name of the war on terror. Yes, an unnecessary war. --Jim Broede

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