Friday, November 7, 2008

He's no George Bush.

I'm gonna have a good time watching presidential politics evolve over the next year or two. To see the change wrought by Barack Obama. I'm not sure exactly what to expect. Other than to feel it'll be a whole lot better than John McCain or a third term of George Bush. Bush told us from the start that he was going to be a uniter. That he'd work both sides of the aisle. Of course, Bush was a liar. He later told us he had political capitol. Despite being elected by a slim margin. And he decided to use that political capitol in a highly partisan way. Now, Obama and the Democrats could really stick it to the Republicans. And some Democrats won't hesitate doing that. But I think Obama won't be another Bush. Just the opposite. Obama is more highly principled. More honest. More fair. More intelligent. A very decent human being. Oh, he's a bit left of center in his politics. But he'll try to be accommodating. He listens. To all sides. And he'll even surround himself by some people who don't think like him. He's not afraid to have his ideas challenged. And he's capable of changing his mind. And, get this, he'll even admit to making mistakes. Of learning on the job. Oh, that's what I like about Obama. He's no George Bush. --Jim Broede

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