Friday, November 21, 2008

A more liberal approach.

I think Barack Obama is a liberal. Or a progressive. That's the preferred tag now. Because conservatives have defined 'liberal' in negative ways. And unfortunately, there are many people who believe black is white. If that's what they are told. Yes, they're stupid. They don't think for themselves. Anyway, Obama will shun being labeled. Can't blame him. Obama is Obama. And he does things I like. And he seems like a decent human being. Open-minded. Willing to listen to and consider all points of view. And to change his mind. In other words, he's acting and living like what I call a liberal. That makes me comfortable. A liberal, really, is flexible. Willing to compromise. In an effort to bring rival sides together. By finding common bonds. By generating goodwill. On the other hand, I see conservatives as entrenched in their ways. Unwilling to budge. Standing fast. Idealogues. And really, that's what got America into this mess. The economy, health care, the widening gap between the rich and poor. Yes, all sorts of unsolved problems. To solve 'em, we need more give and take. A more liberal approach. Which means working together. For the common good. --Jim Broede

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