Sunday, November 2, 2008

Truth is an elusive thing.

When I'm feeling down about politics, I go to the cable network. To MSNBC. And listen to the news slants presented by Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddows. They're unabashed liberals. Partisans. Biased. Yes, in many ways just as biased as the conservative pundits on Fox News. I guess if I'm gonna listen to slanted news, I'd rather listen to the liberal slant. Oh, I'll listen to the conservative pitch, too. For amusement, if nothing else. But I listen to the liberal perspective just to feel good. Because I persuade myself that I'm listening to the real truth. As contrasted to lies from the conservatives. Some people tell me that the truth is somewhere inbetween. Well, I'm not so sure about that. I suspect that we all have our own truths. And I know mine. It may not be your truth. But that's all right. Because truth is an elusive thing. --Jim Broede

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