Friday, December 19, 2008

Hey, it's the nature of things.

In a way, I'm happy to see that the Illinois governor won't resign. And that he's gonna fight the charges against him. I suspect what he'll do in court is claim he never did what he said he was gonna do. He proposed. He threatened. And he also may assert that what he was doing is done every day. In the halls of congress. And even in small towns. That's the nature of politics. At every level. And that he just happens to be more open about it. Mostly, political favors are implied. You help me. I'll help you. Do me a favor. I'll do you a favor. Like friends. People do it in business. In the private sector. So, why even feign being surprised that it's done in the public sector? Corruption is rampant. Throughout our economic, social and political systems. Hey, it's the nature of things. --Jim Broede

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