Tuesday, December 23, 2008

...a moon when there's no moon.

We got another overnight blanket of snow. It's starting to really pile up. We get 4 or 5 inches one night, and 4 or 5 more the next. I must go out and shovel the driveway. And go out and about. The exercise will be good. And sometimes, I just go into town without a real mission. Other than just connecting with people. Not knowing exactly what I'm gonna do. Just wanting to be on the move. This snow is different from the last. A light, fluffy snow. No drifting because we had virtually no wind. Really an easy snow to shovel. The snow started around midnight. I couldn't see the lights in town across the lake. But today, the visibility is good. Clouds. No sunshine. But still bright because of the reflective light off the snow. The snow even lightens up the night. Almost as if there's a moon when there's no moon. --Jim Broede

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