Saturday, January 24, 2009

Alive...a long time ago.

I like to sit down and write sometimes. Without knowing what I'm gonna write about. My way of thinking, I suppose. I do it because writing and thinking all at the same time makes me feel good. I can do it on the whim. If I think without writing -- well, then the thought becomes elusive. It'll disappear. But when I write, I can review it. Mull it over. It's a little like writing a letter to myself. But I also can choose to share it. Makes life less lonely. Sharing. Quite possibly, that's how love evolves. By sharing. That's what I'm doing in my blog. In my broodings. Sharing a few random thoughts. Sometimes, I'm looking for response. Other times not. I do lots of things without rhyme or reason. Without a conscious motive in mind. Sometimes, I forget a thought. But maybe I'm just abandoning the thought. Because another thought has come to mind. And it's difficult to remember everything. Without making a list. Often, it's hard for me to get wrapped up in more than one thought at a time. I'm compelled to discard other thoughts. Just so I can focus on one. Yes. I call it living in the moment. Becoming oblivious of the past moment. And not caring about the next moment. It's called getting carried away. Maybe that's the way to stop time. The way to capture a moment. To truly live the moment. I like this thought. But by tomorrow I'd forget it. Unless I write about it. Then I have the opportunity to recall the moment. Even a year or two later. Shows me that I was alive at a particular moment. A long time ago. --Jim Broede

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