Saturday, January 24, 2009

Start acting like my hero.

My blog, aka my broodings, is personal. But not personal. In the sense that there are degrees of personal. Some things I wouldn't share in my blog. Because they are very personal. Maybe even very, very personal. I draw a line. I like to be opinionated. Yes, to speak my mind. And even my heart and my gut. My blog is the place for that. But I wouldn't share something deeply personal. Not here. That would be private. Something deeply personal I'd probably share with only one other. Or just with myself. I like to be personal in my writing. As contrasted to impersonal. I fluctuate, too, between being subjective and objective. And I like to poke fun. To use parody. I like it when people can't quite decide whether I'm serious or sticking my tongue in cheek. Sometimes, it's a little bit of both. Because I like to keep people guessing. Forces them to think. To speculate. Some people would like to tell me how to write. They don't like my style. But I mostly laugh it off. After all, they aren't required to read what I write. My blog is public. People are free to come to it. And even offer comment. I read all comments. But I don't print 'em all. Some are outrageous. Or stupid. Repetitious. Boring. Libelous. Profane. So I use my judgment. After all, it's my blog. No sense in letting the rabble take over. I'm aware that some people take offense over what I write. A few get downright pissed. My advice is, cool it. Start acting like my hero, Barack Obama. --Jim Broede

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