Friday, January 9, 2009

The fat cats will stay fat.

Allowing the rich to get richer. Seems to me that's the underlying factor that ruined our economy. We need a better distribution of the wealth. The longtime assumption of the Bushies and the Republicans was that money would trickle down from the wealthy and land in the pockets of the poor and middle classes sooner or later. Well, it's sure not gonna be sooner. And maybe the word 'never' should be substituted for later. When the banks and Wall Street were about to go kaput, the idea was to bail 'em out. With the naive assumption that the billions going into bank coffers would then be used to provide ordinary Americans with loans that enliven the economy. Well, it turns out that the banks are playing it safe. They ain't gonna loan anybody anything. They'll just hang on to the bailout money. And maybe give themselves salary increases. Well, that doesn't surprise me. That's the way the capitalist system works. The money lenders will keep what they get from the government -- and to hell with the economy. The fat cats will stay fat. --Jim Broede

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