Sunday, January 18, 2009

Goodbye, bad times.

I wonder if we are entering an era of optimism in America. With the coming of the Barack Obama presidency on Tuesday. I have a good feeling about America. For the first time in a long time. And it has to do with the fact that we Americans finally did the right thing. We elected Obama. And to me that signals the end to the gawd-awful George Bush politics. We've been dragged down over these past 8 years. Almost to the point of despair. But the darkest of times often can bring change. Two years ago today, Jeanne died. The love of my life was gone. But I rebounded. I recovered. Today, I'm happy. And in love. With someone. With life. I'm an optimist. Not a pessimist. I know that things can change for the better. Yes, even right here in America. I see good times springing from bad times. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

I see things poof in the night

Broede's Broodings said...

Guess why. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Hmm because someone proved they were right and you were wrong?

Broede's Broodings said...

Keep guessing. The person who comes up with the right/winning answer gets a surprise, lucrative gift. The contest is underway. Your intelligence is being tested. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Nah I give up last contest you were sending Maebee to Iraq. Screw that I will just know that someone pissed you off, and you retracted since you made an ass of yourself.

Thank you for the laughs.

Broede's Broodings said...

Come on, ladies. Show me some intelligence. Anyway, there'll be a booby prize, too. For the dumbest answer. Yes, I'm just adding a little incentive. Now go to it. Let's make this a really competitive thing. --Jim

Anonymous said...

lmao you just made it worse who would want to win the booby prize that would be you .... would you be gift wrapped?
Or would it be scary/larry either way contest sucks
i'm out of here

Anonymous said...

Who Cares????

Anonymous said...


Broede's Broodings said...

I'm sure you''ll be sorely missed, dear outta here. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

No, it's not bingo or lack of identity. Some of you are showing you have far lower IQs than I imagined. But at least you are participating in the contest. Trying. Trying. Trying, Shows me you covet the surprise prize. Keep guessing. --Jim