Saturday, January 17, 2009

I've cleared the first hurdle.

I find it difficult being all things to all people. Yes, maybe it's impossible. So maybe somewhere along the line I quit trying. Instead, I focused on one or two or three. Didn't let it get out of hand. Problem is, when I tried to do too many things, I started to treat everybody in a half-assed manner. I didn't give anyone adequate time and adequate effort. I felt pulled betwixt and between. Overwhelmed. Eventually, I concluded that my dear wife Jeanne was more important than anyone. Moreso, even than my career. More important than my other friends and associates. Even more important than my mother. So maybe I neglected things and others. But I made a conscious decision that I could do only so much. I'd give attention to others. But not at the cost of robbing Jeanne to pay -- well, whatever. Sometimes, I suspect there's only so much love to go around. I tend to want to focus on one other. Because that's all I can handle. And maybe I do it for selfish reason. I find that approach most personally satisfying. When I'm in love, I'm in love. I try to make it fully and completely. Could be that isn't right. I'm of the notion that god wants us to love everyone. Fully and completely. I have to confess that I haven't mastered that feat yet. I have to take it one being at a time. But that gives me a good feeling. Like I've cleared the first hurdle. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The more you give, the more you get. You are missing out on so much love, simply because you hold it back. Love is abundant. Even unconditional love. I hold many many people in my heart, and I am richer for it.