Friday, January 30, 2009

...too dumb to know.

Amazing. How much better I feel. Just knowing that Barack Obama is in the White House. And that George Bush is back in Texas, my least favorite state. I've never liked Texas. Gives me the creeps every time I pass through the state. I'm always on my way to another place. So I get out of Texas fast as I can. Doesn't surprise me that Texas produced Bush. Maybe the worst president we've ever had. Let him screw up Texas. That I don't mind. Unfortunately, he screwed up America. But we'll get fixed. Obama is the right guy for the job. Mr. Cool. Nice to know that Obama has a high approval rating. Something like 80 percent. Makes me feel like I'm in tune with the rest of America. For a change. I know these are bad times. With the economy in the dumpster. But still, I feel good. About the future. That finally we have a competent president. Oh, Obama will make his share of mistakes. Like anyone. But he's a quick learner. And he admits to mistakes. That makes him intelligent. Bush rarely admitted to a mistake. A sign that he's too dumb to know when he really screws up. --Jim Broede

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