Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's feed ' prison.

Let's nationalize the banks. And adopt a socialized medicine plan. Yes, that would be the way to do what's good for most of us. Rather than for the elite few. Our taxpayers would be the shareholders in the banks. And that way, maybe common folk would have a say over banking policy. We certainly wouldn't be giving big bonuses to the bank executives, would we? Banks should be operated in a way that serves the common good. Not to make big profits. There's a general lack of public confidence in the banking system. For good reason. Inept management. Bungling. Greed. Too many bankers see banks as an instrument to make big profits. For bankers. And the public be damned. Private bankers can't be trusted. Unless they are under tight rein. Under close government scrutiny. Banks should be a public asset. Instead, they've become liabilities. Taxpayers are bailing 'em out. Let's face it. Without government intervention, many of our banks would go kaput. Our health care system is in similar dire straits. Run in large part by insurance companies more interested in reaping obscene profits than doing what's good for the public. Yes, it's time to tell the insurance companies to go fly a kite. Instead, let's establish a single payer system under government auspices. Over the years, we've been fed baloney from the private sector -- that one can't trust the government to run anything efficiently. That private enterprise out-performs government all the time. Maybe that's true when it comes to greed, corruption and profiterring. Private moguls are good at that. They've managed to all but destroy the economy in the process. And now they are seeking government handouts. Well, let's give the corrupt ones three free square meals a day. In prison. --Jim Broede

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