Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm exuding good vibes.

I'm always adjusting my attitude. Fine-tuning it. Daily. If I feel something is going awry inside me, such as feeling a bit annoyed or in a hurry or generally out of sorts -- I tell myself, whoa. Yes, it's time for an attitude adjustment. To get in a positive groove. And to slow down. And savor what's right with life. Usually, all I have to do is remind myself that I'm in love. Smitten. And that I feel good. Physically. And that I'm able to control my mind. And my attitude. So, I take charge. And I lighten up. Think of something funny. And I ask, "What's going right in my life?" Well, I'm in Arizona. Going to Chicago Cubs exhibition games. And the Cubs won today, 8-1. Yesterday, they won 9-1. Maybe it's because I'm at the ballpark exuding good vibes. And the Cubs have caught 'em. --Jim Broede

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