Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My say. That's all I want.

I'll tell you why I don't like organized things. Organized anything. Clubs. Fraternities. Political parties. Associations. Churches. Religions. Because they tend to take away my independence. Often, one finds cliques within all these organizations. Yes, groups within groups. Everybody wants some semblance of control over the organization. And I'm for independent voices. Too often, cliques try to gain control. And foist their ways on everyone. Look at political parties, for instance. Such as the Republicans. They're in disarray, in large part, because of the conservative clique. They'd take the GOP down a suicidal path. Just for the sake of ungawdly, idiotic principle. As if their way is the only way. Many religions do the same thing. They are seized by the fanatics. The fringe elements. And away they go. Like lunatics. I see this every day. Even on message boards on the Internet. They become highly intolerant. Bogged down. Restrictive. They'd like to turn all participants into robots. Think-alike robots. They're frightened of dissent. They want everyone to toe the line. To pass a litmus test. As for me, I'll let everyone have their say. That is, as long as they allow me to have my say. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

This entire post makes no sense at all Mr. Brode. You yourself "restrict" comments made here. Much like your dislike of Organized anythings. You have your group within your group. Ex. Sheri, Rosie, Larry and yourself have the freedom. Others censored. You are not truly for independent voices. This blog, is highly intolerant, restrictive, and only allows those in agreement with you to post. Much like being your robot. They must toe the line, pass a litmus test.

Quote "As for me, I'll let everyone have their say. That is, as long as they allow me to have my say. --Jim Broede"

You have your freedom it is your blog yet I see "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

Double standards?

Broede's Broodings said...

I tend to be intolerant to people who are intolerant, and people who like to level criticism only when they stay anonymous. Please note, I don't hide behind a pseudonym. If you don't have the guts to put your name behind your comments, you deserve to be censored. I still allow some anonymous comments. But a sure way to get published here is to use your real name. To be completely honest and above board. Talk to me face to face, name to name. Why should I respect someone who wears a mask? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, I have censored Rosie and Cherie and Larry. Ain't no double standard around here. Friend and foe alike get censored for inappropriate comments. Everybody has gotta meet the standards. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Another thing. I've even censored myself. --Jim

Anonymous said...

As to your reply. I am sorry to inform you that those that use a anonymous name are not the ones at fault here Mr. Broede. I will even go way out on a limb here and say that Sheri, Rosie, even Larry did not use birth names. Most people realize that using birth names, addresses, and/or phone numbers is inviting trouble. The internet is a huge world, no telling what one will run into. Those that insist (not sure how since this is the internet) on people using names are sometimes those ones should fear. I could tell you my name is Lisa, Joe, Kate, even Jim. You would have no way of know which one is true. Therefore your statement "If you don't have the guts to put your name behind your comments, you deserve to be censored." is ludicrous. As far as talking face to face. That statement even more makes you sound like a predator.

So once again I will state this entire post and your replies make no sense.

Broede's Broodings said...

It's you that sound more like the predator or stalker, anonymous. Think about it. All you have to do is google my name. And you'll learn a whole lot about me. I'm sort of an open book, so to speak. I'm real. I have a history that can be easily traced. I'm honest. Open. Above board. If I were a stalker or a predator, I'd stay anonymous. I'd be sneaky. I reveal much of myself. In this blog. And in my public writings over the years. I use my real name. There's only one Jim Broede. Maybe only one in the entire world. Google Jim Broede and you'll get only one Jim Broede. That's me. I don't hide. Never have. I've written thousands of bylined stories. And I have a very revealing blog. I've always been an advocate of openness. I've crusaded for it. In my writings. I stand up for what I believe. --Jim

Anonymous said...

You are a great source of entertainment in how you keep contradicting yourself.
By the way, there is no guarantee that you ARE Jim Broede, either.

Anonymous too

Broede's Broodings said...

If you find me entertaining, maybe I should go into show business. --Jim.

Anonymous said...

You should try the Comedy Channel.

Broede's Broodings said...

I do like Jon Stewart on the Comedy channel and Bill Maher on HBO. Very good. Very funny. Do you like 'em? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Also, would you believe I'm Ponce de Leon? I discovered the fountain of youth some 500 years ago. --Jim