Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not getting ahead of one's self.

I find it hard to grieve when someone dies in their 80s or 90s, let alone 100. Guess I figure they've lived a long life. Oh, I wish we humans could live to be 200 or even 1,000. But ain't gonna happen in the foreseeable future. I know people lament when their mom or dad dies of Alzheimer's and other diseases that primarily strike the aged. But death is inevitable. It's a fact of life. Nobody escapes it. The sad thing is when life gets snuffed out almost before it begins. In one's youth. Seems to me the older I get, the more I appreciate life. Because I've had time to learn how to live. Moreorless one day at a time. Savoring it. Maybe it helps to know that time is running out. Some may say that's a depressing thought. But doesn't have to be. Just by focusing on now. Not getting ahead of one's self. --Jim Broede

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