Friday, May 22, 2009

My fondest live forever.

I listened to an astronomer today who estimated that the Milky Way galaxy has 1 trillion planets. Wow! Imagine that. I know there have been longtime estimates of billions of stars in the galaxy. And so if many of the stars have planets, sounds plausible that there would be an astoundingly large number of places with potential for life. Intelligent life. Maybe far more intelligent than the life on Earth. We humans could be among the dumbest creatures in the cosmos. Wouldn't surprise me. I'm trying to be a positive thinker. By imagining superior life forms. Maybe beings far beyond our wildest imaginations. Where life is deemed so precious that they've eliminated wars and found ways to extend life to virtual eternal proportions. Yes, god-like life. That's the level of existence I want some day. Maybe it's achievable. With transmigration of souls. That way I could get my fondest live forever. --Jim Broede

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