Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That's progress.

Barack Obama is a survivor, it seems to me. And he knows how to get ahead. And get his programs passed. Even in a predominantly white and racist society. Give him credit. He's a remarkable man. A black man. Which means he had a strike or two against him at some point in his life. Anyway, I trust the guy. He's one of my heroes, really. Because I sense he's very decent and honorable. Despite being a politician. Can't say that about many politicians. Especially on the far right. Where some of 'em hate and despise Obama. Which means Obama has to take a lot of crap. From rather despicable people. Some of 'em racists. But still, Obama manages to play it cool. He knows that racism isn't as bad as it used to be. After all, he got elected to the top office in the land. With the help of white votes. For that, America deserves plaudits. But still, there's a sizeable element that just can't find it in their hearts to accept Obama. Yes, just because he's black. They would have felt at home in this country before the Civil War and in the Jim Crow South right on up until the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. But Obama isn't allowing himself to be fazed by their downright nasty vitriolic. I think he'll succeed. Even to the point of getting health care reform and other measures aimed at serving the common good. Yes, that galls those on the far right and racists. But hey, that's progress. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

...and I'm sure, if you asked him, he would politely ask you to stop obsessing on the fact that he is black, and instead focus on the good he is trying to do. You have a major hang-up here. You seem to be the one stuck on skin colors. For God's sake, if we were a "racist society", a majority of white voters would never have voted President Obama into the most powerful office on earth.

He has a huge job before him, and all this stuff is doing, is detracting from what really needs to get done. He is one of the first to insist on getting back down to work on the economy, health care, etc.

We DO have laws against racism, and those peddling it should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. "They" can feel however "they" like, and probably will, for generations to come. It is the actions that need to be punished. Crying "racism" at every turn, and with every dissent, only takes away from the true instances of discrimination.

Have you heard the theory that, continuing to "paint" the Republicans(or anyone who opposes Mr. Obama) as racist, is a calculated method(by Dems) of trying to glorifying the Democratic Party, while downgrading the Republican?

Broede's Broodings said...

So, you think president of the U.S. is the most powerful office on Earth. That certainly shows the arrogance of an American. To think that. Raises the question, what is power? The ability to manipulate? To influence? In good ways? In bad ways? Maybe it comes down to how one decides to use the power of office. Look at the influence of Nelson Mandela when he held office in South Africa. He helped bring about incredible change. Through inspiration. Example. Changed the whole complexion of a racist society in a positively meaningful way. Now that's power. Power of the spirit, I suppose. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, seems that from the beginning of time politicians have downgraded each other. That's the nature of politics. Sad to say. It ain't a fair and objective game. It stinks. And we allow politicians to get away with it. By accepting it. Just as we have accepted racism for so many years. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Broede's Broodings said...
"So, you think president of the U.S. is the most powerful office on Earth. "

Oh, yeah. Do you know what the "Nuclear Football" is?

Oh, yeah.

Broede's Broodings said...

No. Tell me. -Jim