Friday, October 16, 2009

Counting my enemies & friends.

I'd make friends with my enemies if they wanted to be friends. That's a problem, isn't it? Enemies don't want to be friends. Generally, I have nothing against my enemies. But I guess they don't like me. For whatever reason. Often, I'm unaware that certain people are my enemies. Because they don't bother telling me. Or they tell me in an email, for instance, without signing their names. I wish I had no enemies. I don't have a whole lot of friends. But the handful that I do -- well, they're very nice. I prefer quality friends over quantity friends. Even one friend might be enough. But hey, two, three, four, five, six. Then I'm in bonus territory. Meanwhile, I'm wondering if I have more enemies than friends. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I think some of my enemies don't like my friends simply because my friends like me. Could that be? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Didn't Richard Nixon compile an enemies list? I'm gonna think positively, and compile a friends list. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I was taught in Sunday school to love my enemies. But I'm not sure if I've ever accomplished that feat. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Maybe it would be easier to walk on water than love one's enemies. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I could love some of America's perceived enemies. Because I think they're nice and decent people. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, some of America's enemies are not my enemies. I tend to be more tolerant than some of the officials that determine some of our ridiculous foreign policy. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I must confess. I have this innate fear that some day my tongue may get caught in my cheek. Forever. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I can tell that I'm reasonably happy. Because I can't remember when was the last day that i didn't laugh. --Jim