Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Makes me a happy camper.

Oh, we Americans. We change so slowly. Too slowly. We get mired into morally wrong policies, morally wrong pursuits. And we just stick with it. Look how long it took us to get rid of slavery. And to give blacks and women equal rights. In some ways, they're still lacking equality. We still have a society with racist strains. And we resist universal health care even when every other industrialized nation in the world has it. And we still have capital punishment. Mainly for blacks and poor people. The rich can hire fancy lawyers and save their fat asses. And find ways to widen the gap between the rich and poor. But there's one thing the power structure can't take away from us. I'm still able to fall in love. That offsets all the pitfalls and makes me a happy camper. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Isn't it strange that we allow states the option of executing people? Some do. Some don't. Texans, for instance, tend to strongly support capital punishment. The taking of certain lives. The people that are judged bad. Usually the poor. And the black. Or Hispanics. Even the mentally impaired. But some of the death penalty advocates also oppose abortions. The taking of any life yet to be born. I find it difficult to draw a line. --Jim

Anonymous said...

In truth Mr B I don't understand your "makes me a happy camper" IMHO your not very happy. You do nothing but complain. Republicians, the racist, the rich, people from Texas, the cubs, the twins, the idiots, anyone that comments to your blog, the mentally impared. Where do you draw the line?

I am guessing IMHO that you will again tell us about your "lover" your music, books, your writing. Do you put all those in one column?

Broede's Broodings said...

Stop to think about it, dear anonymous. Complaining helps make me happy. I'm exercising my freedom of speech. I can say what's on my mind. Get it off my chest. I can say what I dislike. About almost anything. I often try to do something about it. And when I'm in love, I'm happy, despite the pitfalls of life. Love offsets everything else. Good health also helps. I like to feel good. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Really, I have a positive attitude toward life. Complaining about what's wrong can be very therapeutic. And sometimes, I decide to turn the other cheek when somebody insults me. But other times, I slap back. Depends on what makes me feel good at the time. I think I have nice balance in my life. --Jim