Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Nice balance in my life.
Complaining helps make me happy. I'm exercising my freedom of speech. I can say what's on my mind. Get it off my chest. I can say what I dislike. About almost anything. I often try to do something about it. And when I'm in love, I'm happy, despite the pitfalls of life. Love offsets everything else. Good health also helps. I like to feel good. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Really, I have a positive attitude toward life. Complaining about what's wrong can be very therapeutic. And sometimes, I decide to turn the other cheek when somebody insults me. But other times, I slap back. Depends on what makes me feel good at the time. Yes, I think I have nice balance in my life. --Jim Broede
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So in other words you are denying us of exercising our freedom of speech. We have been forbidden to say what we dislike, because you don't like what we have to say? I have a very Healthy love life, and I am also in very good health. I have a mind which I use freely. I have turned the other cheek many many times with many things.
You being such a promoter of "freedom of speech" should already know this "Freedom of speech is the right to state one's opinions and ideas without being stopped or punished. Sometimes this is also called Freedom of expression". Granted this is your blog, then again you state you are a liberal, "Liberalism is a way of thinking about politics and government. Liberals (the people who believe in liberalism) think that freedom is important". I guess you really don't know what side of the coin you will pick till you flip it into the air, heads or tails.
I see alot of tails. If you truly believe what you say there would be more heads. Therefore those that read this blog, should be aware of the whitewasher whom tries to make people believe what you say.
Who decides who is an idiot and who isn't? I really have issues with name calling. I remember that in grade school, not as an adult.
A dictator is a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power. The term "dictator" is comparable to, but not synonymous with, the ancient concept of a tyrant.
Believe me, Kumba, there are a handful of mean-spirited idiots submitting comments here. I have a sense you wouldn't allow these sorts of comments in your blog, if you had one. I won't allow them to drag my blog into the gutter. I'm reasonably tolerant. But I do draw a line. At least in my blog. Write to me privately, and I'll share some of the comments with you. --Jim
Look at it this way, too, Kumba. My home is my castle. So is my blog. I will not allow the rabble to invade it. They are welcome to come in. Individually. But they have to abide by my rules of civility and politeness. Otherwise, I will toss 'em out on their asses. And if they want totally free speech in my house/castle or in my blog, they had better identify themselves. If they don't have the guts to say it to me face to face, and insist on staying anonymous, they will lose their right to freedom of speech in my realm. --Jim
I have no difficulty calling an unidentified accuser an idiot. If the person has the courage to identify himself/herself, I'd be far more civil. In my realm, everyone has the right to know his/her accuser. --Jim
We are losing a sense of civility in America. When Barack Obama delivers a speech in Congress, a congressman sees fit to shout, "You lie!" I suppose that's freedom of speech. But it's an example of the rabble taking over this country. I could cite 1,000 examples here. And tune in Russ Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Or the Fox Network. And tell me we have civility. Sure, give everyone freedom of speech. But not necessarily in my blog. And I'll feel free to call Limbaugh and Beck 'idiots.' Yes, even lunatics. I'll be just as uncivil to them as they are to the likes of Barack Obama. --Jim
I guess this is where we differ. Words expressed by others don't bother me. I will in no way agree with everyone nor will everyone agree with me. I will never be 100% right on any subject. Yet I will listen to everyone 110%. I believe everyone has a right to be heard.
Many people do not take a blogger serious when they censor the blog. If someone is reading a blog, and someone replies, the reader knows and understands the blogger did not make that statement. It leaves the reader the option of reading or not. Many might skip it, some may agree. That is the right of the reader. Great ideas come from different opinions. How boring would it be if everyone agreed?
The only censorship I believe in is personal information on the internet. One should never use personal information.
Your last few posts were posted as I was writing my post.
I must multi-task, I have alot of irons in the fire.
Get this. I'm not gonna pussyfoot around with uncivil people. I'll give them a taste of their own medicine. I'll censor 'em. And I'll lambaste 'em. I'm not gonna let the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world get away with their character assasinations. I'll fire back. I won't turn the other cheek. I'll rip 'em apart. Too many of their targets have been too kind. Too meek. It's time to take off the gloves. And give the lunatic fringe what they deserve. Hard slaps in the face. And painful ass-kickings. Liberals arise! So they wanna fight dirty? Well, we'll give 'em a donnybrook. Let's take no prisoners. --Jim
I guess I really do not understand you. You may feel you will be slapping me but you would be wrong. Your last post is much like a playground in a elementary school. Nothing like the person you state you are. I suppose one would wonder what you are talking about but since it is all censored by your choice. One can only come to one conclusion.
I have listened to Rush and Glen on occasions. I draw my own conclusions. As I stated in an earlier post I have a good mind and I use it. I have no ill feelings against them for it is freedom of choice. They have thoughts just as I have my own. I am a free thinker, I don't mind what others say. I am an adult and I think as an adult. I leave childish games for children to play with and learn from.
Your last post is very confusing for someone that is against wars and fighting. Yet you pose to take off the gloves, slaps in the face painful ass-kicking? A drunken brawl? I'd rather remain the mature, openen minded person I am. I feel everyone has a purpose, and everyone deserves a voice.
I'm talking about the game of politics, Kumba. It's a dirty, dirty game. I don't like it. Ideally, I'd like to steer clear of politics. But it's there. Part of reality. And one deals with it. Or withdraws. At some point, one must fight back. I don't mean kill each other. I don't mean physical violence. But it's a battle of words. And thoughts. And ideas. And, unfortunately, lies and dirty tricks. It's not designed for the meek. It's all about power. And how to influence decisions. Money plays a big role. Maybe moreso than lofty ideas. I've been around politics for a long time. Covering it. Writing about it. More on the lower levels than the higher levels. I see how politicians get started. And what motivates many of 'em. And I've grown somewhat cynical. About how change comes about. Or doesn't come about. It's not very nice. Especially the lies. The deceit. And what seems to me the ignoring of the common good. And so I like to sound off from time to time. That's what I'm doing. I'm telling you what I don't like. Yes, I don't like politics and the way it's played. But I'm really helpless to do anything about it. Other than complain. Like in this blog. It's a nice release. It's therapeutic. And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll sit down and write a love letter. Because I'm in love. And politics will be emptied from my mind. And I will fall asleep. Knowing what's really important in life. It's love. And not politics. --Jim
Yes, Kumba, you are correct. You do not understand me. And therefore, you should withhold judgment. That's where many of us go wrong, including me. We form judgments prematurely. Little wonder that the world is in turmoil. And always will be. --Jim
I have a question. When is it the right time to judge anyone? --Jim
Also, I wonder how many people who think they are mature and open-minded really are mature and open-minded. --Jim
The world might be a better place if more adults started to think like children. Give children credit. They are able to reason without pre-conceived ideas/notions. And often they have vivid imaginations. That can be a plus. Let's not look down our noses at children. We can learn much from them. --Jim
Kumba, you declared that you have a good mind and use it. Now, if I said that of myself, people would castigate me for allowing my ego to get the best of me. But I'll say it anyway. Just like you. --Jim
I'm a free-thinker, too. Like you, Kumba. But I mind to some extent what other people say. Especially if they make racist comments, for instance. I'm more a free-thinker in religious terms. I allow for great diversity of thought on religious and spiritual matters. I don't link myself to an organized religion. But I still believe in a Creator...and in love. Probably a god of love. --Jim
I wonder, Kumba, if that's your real name. Sounds African. Does it have a meaning? --Jim
Tell me, too, Kumba, what brought you to this blog? Did you just stumble across it? --Jim
And I do mind what Russ Limbaugh and Glen Beck have to say. Because I think it's mean-spirited. Very much so. If I didn't mind, I'd have to be a zombie. And I can't help but think of them as lame-brains. --Jim
You know, Kumba, that I often speak metaphorically. I won't literally pummel someone when I take off the gloves. I won't use violence. But I'll sometimes counter with their tactics -- to give 'em a taste of what they dish out. Distortions and lies. I'll try to do it in a satirical manner. Poke fun, so to speak. Make them look ridiculous. A laughing stock. Yes, that's kind of mean. But they're mean-spirited people. I'll try to be funny mean. There is a meanness to much of humor. --Jim
You say you are busy multi-tasking, Kumba. Tell me a bit about your other tasks. By the way, I think you are far more intelligent than the people I've censored. You're welcome here any time. We can have a nice dialogue. --Jim
You say, Kumba, that everyone should have a purpose. And I do. Actually, multiple purposes. Such as promoting liberal causes. And the common good, as I perceive it. And to be a lover. Primarily, of life. But also, I'm partial to an Italian. I love an Italian. Have for almost 2 years now. My purpose also is to be a nice guy. And to combat mean-spiritedness all over the world. But especially in my immediate environs. --Jim
By the way, Kumba, I'm not denying anyone freedom of speech. I'm just denying them the opportunity to dump their bullshit in this blog. If they want to dump it elsewhere, that's perfectly all right with me. --Jim
I'm capable of playing roles, Kumba. For instance, I'm basically a pacifist. I'm not looking for a fight. When I was a child and on the playground, I was cooperative. I played nicely. I was sociable. And I helped other kids. If they needed help. Occasionally, there was a playground bully. I'd suggest to him, not to be a bully. To mend his ways. To be nice. But if he tried to bully me -- well, I'd bully him instead. I'd stand up to him. Mainly with my mouth. I was known in the family as 'Big Mouth.' I never did believe in physical violence. Like I say, I was a pacifist, essentially. But if I was physically accosted, I would fight back. And I learned to scare the hell out of bullies. With words. It was my way of being a diplomat. To badger the bully. I still do that to some extent. Take a Rush Limbaugh and a Glen Beck, for instance. They're bullies. Stupid bullies. If I were on their shows, I'd bully 'em right back. I'd become the stronger bully. I'd rip 'em apart. With words. Yes, I find that those on the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party tend to be bullies. Very, very stupid bullies. And I encourage liberals like me to fight back. To bully 'em. Unmercifully. Take no prisoners. One can be a complete pacifist only so long. Not even Jesus was a complete pacifist. He got violent at times. Even to the point of overturning tables. Yes, he lost his temper. --Jim
I suspect, Kumba, that you have too many tasks. You must cutback. So you don't feel overwhelmed and stressed. Maybe you should quit reading this blog. I'll miss you. But I'm thinking of your welfare. You must lighten your load. --Jim
To tell the truth, many of you are wasting your time. You'll never get anywhere with me. For your own peace of mind, you should go elsewhere. That will ease your frustrations. You need time off. --Jim
My goodness, If the last posting was directed to me I would like to say I am sorry that I have a very busy life. I do not in anyway making your blog my life. I have many more things to so that to sit here and answer all your questions as soon as you post them. I don't have time to sit at my computer on your blog.
I also think you are right with 1 thing. It is a waste of time. Life have many more pleasure's than reading a 1 sided dialog, which is what I see here. Your blog, your reading. Also your right I do not know you as you do not know me. So there for reading this blog it gets somewhat confusing. So your correct I do not understand.
As for judging? Whom and what are you judging? Next I do not think I am mature and open minded, I know I am. I am willing to listen to what others say and different opions. Will I agree with everyone? Never, will I disagree with everyone no. As for the world being a better place if we all acted like children? Children are the cruelest creatures that walk the face of the earth. If you ever dealt with children you would know that say and do mean things. That makes them "cool". Others follow to be in the "in". All too many fall into that trap of peer pressure. I believe that one can enjoy being youthful, not childish. Name calling, lies, hateful words don't work for me. Yet another sign of being mature, responsible adult.
Your issue's are your issue's I am respected. Does that mean I am agreed with 100%? Never, but those I work with and play with know me well enough that I will listen to other and will consider everything they have to say. We will calmly talk about things and work things out. Many people have diffent ideas that I may of not thought of, or my idea maybe the better choice. I work with ideas and find the right path to sucess.
My given name is an old family name. And yes it is African. I stumbled across your blog. I tend to check different blogs. Many are worth reading many are not.
My multi tasking, I work with an organaziton dealing with breast cancer. I also work with mentoring children in extreme crisis. Another thing close to my heart is a hospice. Many fires all with different paths.
I am also my husbands girlfriend, a mom, a boss, a co-worker, a teacher, and a listener. Some of my achivements might surprise you.
Remember when you are pointing your finger, there are always 3 fingers pointing back at you.
I don't point with my finger, Kumba. I prefer to point with words. With thoughts. No finger-pointing. I guess I don't want my fingers pointing back at me. --Jim
It's not a one-sided dialogue, Kumba. Because you are paticipating in it. I have not censored you, have I? --Jim
You are being allowed your say, Kumba, because you are being reasonably polite and civil. Those being censored are not reasonably polite and civil. You are living by the rules. You are acting like a mature adult. Not like a spoiled child. It's all right for you to take issue with me. To even catigate me. As long as you are reasonably polite and civil. And that's what I try to be to you. Polite and civil. But if you weren't polite and civil, I might censor you. Or I might be impolite and uncivil. --Jim
I think you underestimate the brilliance and perceptiveness of children, Kumba. In so many ways, they could be your teacher. Sometimes, it's good for the teacher to assume the role of student. Even in her own classroom. Perhaps you should be learning more from your students. It would make you a better teacher. --Jim
I also know some very good and kind-hearted children. And I think there are more cruel adults than there are cruel children. And I never think of children as creatures. Only as human beings. -- Jim
I think we have a nice dialogue going, Kumba. You are welcome to continue it if you want. I know you are busy. I would be flattered if you choose to continue it. We could set an example for others. To demonstrate how to establish communication with another. And to cultivate mutual respect. --Jim
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find my blog liberating. --Jim
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