Sunday, October 4, 2009

On improving foreign relations.

I kind of miss the 1960s. When our theme was: Love! Not War. Ah, for the good old days. Hippies. Some how, the movement got derailed. The war-mongers got their way. Love became secondary. And the prime goal shifted to making money. Any which way. To get filthy rich. To live the capitalist dream. Well, look where it's taken us. Yes, the absence of love hurts. We're at each other's throats. Right from within. We Americans can't even get along with each other. Much less with the rest of the world. I suspect it's because we've lost the ability to love one another. But I haven't forgotten. I'm in love. With another. That's my life these days. I'm a romantic idealist. I'm in love with an Italian. My way of improving foreign relations. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Love, Peace, and "drugs"

All making sense now

Broede's Broodings said...

If one has love and peace, one doesn't need drugs. If you had love and peace, you'd know that. --Jim

Char said...

I have peace and much love. If you had half a brain you would know the saying "love, peace and drugs" So don't call me the idiot or the person whom has no love or peace.

Maybe if you got laid you wouldn't be so hateful.

Anonymous said...

Oh, puuulease, Jim.

The Flower Children of the 60's are notorious for "loving" everyone and everything in sight, because they were so stoned. That defined the entire "Hippie" culture. Once they switched from the "Love Drug"(cannabis) to methamphetamine, the lovin' stopped, and the violence began. The "Hippies" either wised up, dropped dead, or were committed.

Broede's Broodings said...

Nobody, dear Char, is calling you an idiot. Other than maybe yourself. Sounds to me, though, like you don't have peace or maybe not even love in your heart. You sound snide and hateful. Anyway, Char, let's make peace. I'm game. Are you? You've made a good start. From switching from merely anonymous in your first post to Char in the second one. Now that sounds like a real name. I like it. Is that short for Charlotte? --Jim

Char said...

If you had love and peace, you'd know that. --Jim

Sorry Jim you know nothing about me. NOTHING. I have love, I have been married 43 years today. I also have 3 children, all married. I have 5 grandchildren that I seen almost every day. I have a wonderful home on the ocean. I listen to the peaceful waves crashing on the beach right out my front door. I have everything I need and more.
I really could careless if you like me or not. You are something I will never meet.

Here are some points of interest:
Are you a hippie or just are into the hippie lifestyle?

You support peace and are somewhat anti-government You don’t support war and talk about peace any chance you get.

Drugs. You’ve either tried or regularly use certain drugs. Marijuana and LSD are two big hippie drugs. They allow you to connect with things and give you a state of euphoria.

You seem more chill than everyone else. You sit in a circle with your friends and just sit back and relax. Reflecting on all the good things and thinking about how beautiful things are.

You love the outdoors. Sitting by a tree or a lake is very relaxing to you. It gives you time to think and wander off into your thoughts.

Broede's Broodings said...

Happy anniversary, Char. You sound like you have it all together. That makes two of us. We're both happy beings. In love. Can't ask for much more than that. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm sure that not all of the flower children were stoned, dear anonymous. As for me, I've never been stoned in my entire life. Maybe I should try it sometime. But I really see no need for it. Because I have a natural euphoria. It comes with falling in love. With someone. With life. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Seems to me the best part of life are our one-on-one relationships. --Jim