Saturday, October 3, 2009

Who'd you rather have in D.C.?

I see that the Republican leadership is taking Barack Obama to task. For flying to Copenhagen for a few hours to try to get the Olympics to come to Chicago. They say Obama should have stayed in Washington to deal with more important issues. You didn’t see the same Republicans complaining when George Bush spent four days watching the Olympics in Beijing. Or when he went home to Texas to clear away brush at his ranch. I suppose intelligent GOPers breathed a sigh of relief when Bush was gone. So he couldn’t bollix things in Washington. Actually, it would have been nice if Bush had spent the duration of his presidency in isolation in a remote part of the world. Maybe on the planet Neptune. Whoops. Maybe not. Cheney would have become full-time president. Albeit, he was pretty much de facto president anyway. Even when Bush was around. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm happy that Chicago didn't get the Olympics. I'd much rather go to Rio than to Chicago. Albeit, I was born in Chicago and I have a soft spot in my heart for the city. But I think I'd like the climate better in Rio. Chicago is far too windy. --Jim