Friday, November 6, 2009

I fear the euphoria will be gone.

I think it's important for Democrats to deliver on their promises. And that especially goes for President Barack Obama. They promised change. Yes, change, change, change. And I'm not sure we'll get it. Maybe, in part, because Republicans are obstructionists. They want Obama and the Democrats to fail. Because that's the road back to power for the GOP. The thing is, the Democrats have the power. But maybe they don't know how to use it. They tend to pussyfoot. To dilly-dally. To be less than ruthless. In that regard, the Republicans hold the edge. They have a take-no-prisoners mentality. The Democrats have the opportunity to deliver big on health care reform. To bring about a public option. To put stiff regulations on the health insurance companies. To tell the Republicans to go to hell. And the Democrats can pass climate change legislation. And rein in Wall Street bankers and other greedy capitalists. In essence, the Democrats can bring about change that serves the common good. Instead of serving the rich and powerful. The Democrats promised big change during the 2008 election campaign. That's why they acquired more political clout and political capital than they've had in a long, long time. But I sense the power is being wasted. The Democrats may not deliver on their big promises. If that happens, we'll see the Republicans make big gains in 2010. Sad to say. I fear the euphoria will be gone. America will be in steep decline once again. And I won't show up at the polls. It'll be a waste of time to even bother to vote any more. --Jim Broede

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