Saturday, November 28, 2009

The same basic conclusion.

I think I'm different. Because I think out loud. Right here. In this blog. Oh, I call it broodings. Maybe just because it sounds good. Good illiteration. I don't know what I'm gonna think of next. I'll just let it come. One does that. When one literally thinks out loud. That's why I could get up on stage. The stage of life. And never shut up. Because I just let it flow. Whatever comes, comes. I'm never at a loss for words. Maybe that's why I make a fool of myself. I just let myself be. A fool. Or whatever I am at the moment. But that's how I discover myself. By just being. Some people think I'm stupid. And hey, I am. But I'm intelligent, too. A little bit of lots of things. But mainly, I'm a romantic idealist. A free-thinker. A liberal. A lover. I have no doubt about it. Because that's genuinely what I wanna be. And so I am. Yes, I really am Jim Broede. I don't hide behind pseudonyms. Or facades. I'm accessible. I can be reached. Touched. Conversed with. I can be perceived as sane. Or crazy. But overall, I'm a nice guy. Kind. Cruel, too, in some ways. Because I don't always think about how I affect people. And they allow themselves to be affected. Negatively. Positively. Often, that's their choice. Not mine. Anyway, I keep coming to the same basic conclusion. Life is wonderful. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I think I qualify as an optimist, don't I? --Jim